Ch. 18

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The fact of the matter was, Chongyun loved his best friend. Platonically, of course. He enjoyed spending time with him and he felt like Xingqiu really understood him better than others did.

Chongyun never failed to blush at his words and feel that fluttery feeling whenever he was around, and that was how he knew that he and Xingqiu were such close friends - because no one else made him feel that way.

As a matter of fact, he was off to see Xingqiu right now, since he had something to tell him.

Once he arrives, he sits next to Xingqiu, already knee deep in the novel he's reading. Chongyun's never really understood why all of his friends said it was difficult to get Xingqiu to look up from his books.

All Chongyun had to do was put his hand over Xingqiu's, and voila!

"Ah, you're here already." Xingqiu sets his open book and his lap and gives him one of his smiles. His dimples appear, and once again Chongyun is more than delighted to see them.

"I didn't want to keep you waiting too long, Qiu." He quickly covers his mouth in surprise before shaking his head. "Sorry, I meant my swordsman."

"A-actually, you don't have to call me that..."

"Why not? I thought you said we should be using terms of endearment." He asks, confused.

"I did, but my exorcist and my swordsman and terms I came up with. Qiu is something you came up with, and, therefore...I think it means so much more." He explains while a blush laces his cheeks.

"If you prefer me to use that, then, sure, but I'm not allowed to use that nickname for you anyways since you don't like it."  Chongyun frowns a bit.

"Well I wouldn't say I don't like it..." he starts.

"I don't think I understand."

Xingqiu flushes pink and draws his index finger along the line separating the pages in the book. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course I can."

"...I like your nickname for me. A lot. I've always liked it. It just makes me a little embarrassed because no one's ever had a nickname for me." He explains with a nervous smile not big enough for dimples.

"It's always been all formalities - Master Xingqiu this, Master Xingqiu that - so to have somebody call me by a different title, and to have it come from someone so special to me..."

He looks up at him softly before realizing the way he was looking at him, immediately straightening up and waving the conversation away. "N-never mind, it's rather silly anyways."

"I don't think it is, but I won't push you on it. Just as long as you're okay with me calling you Qiu." Chongyun says.

Xingqiu nods in place of a reply while he sits back in his seat. "Anyways, about what I called you here for..."

"Oh yeah. What did you have to tell me about?"

"Well..." he sucks in a breath. "I'm going to be going away for a few weeks on a business two days...I was told on very short notice."

"You're leaving? That sucks..." Chongyun frowns.

"Yeah... I think it's probably the longest I've ever gone without seeing you, so it's gonna be pretty weird." Xingqiu says.

"It will be...but what if one of us spends the night right before you go? That way at least we'll get to see each other before." He suggests.

"You'd have to sneak into my room if that's the case." Xingqiu says before giving a signature smirk. "That's rather questionable, don't you think? Sneaking out to go spend the night in my bed? Rather daring now, aren't you Chongyun?"

"I-it's not like that and you know it!" He defends himself.

"Yeah, I do." Xingqiu admits. "But would you be willing to sneak out to come see me? Because then in the morning you'd have to leave without being seen too."

"I really would like to see you before you go, but if it's going to be like that, then I probably shouldn't."

"Then...we'll just say goodbye the morning of?" Xingqiu asks lightly.

"Mmhmm. Bright and early." Chongyun's replies with a blush gracing both of their faces.

"Sounds good."


Written: June 10th, 2023

Finished/Published: July 26th, 2023

(Word Count: 722)

When Rose's Thorns Attack my Sides (But my Eyes Stay Trained on You) (Xingyun)Where stories live. Discover now