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Astonished, Lilith's head jerked towards the right and she squinted at the front of the hall. The stage was a long ways away, but the sound system was not one to discriminate. Snow was still speaking, and as Lilith registered the rest of his sentence, she realized she had overreacted.

He had said "gold"—not "Gold."

The President's Philanthropic Award apparently constituted several categories, and upon presenting the bronze and silver titles, Snow was moving on to the highest honour.

Citing an astronomical contribution, he said, "...the President's Philanthropic Gold Award for the Twentieth Hunger Games goes to"—he checked the card in his hand—"Gold Global Group."

Instantly, her father's placid smile was repeated on every wall. Lilith slid to the edge of her seat, her back straight and her neck craned, yearning to see him in the flesh. But she had to concede perhaps only a pair of binoculars would help in that department—the ballroom was huge. She resorted to the holographic projections that provided an all but high definition of her father striding toward the stage. He looked so poised, and there was something immensely elegant about his full brown ensemble. From this angle, he didn't seem that old at all.

Her heart swelled like the quartet's crescendo.

As CEO of a thriving multibillion-dollar corporation, her father regularly received prizes on the company's behalf, but he had also been recognized personally for achievements in areas such as leadership and management. Only, Lilith had never quite witnessed the ceremonies like she was doing now—live.

Most of the time, she learnt about them at their dinner table. If not for the announcements that his and Criseida's absence were to be expected on a certain night owing to an evening as such, Lilith might never have been the wiser of his accolades. Partly due to her pint-sized interest in business literature, and partly because her father wasn't one to flaunt his accomplishments. Unobtrusive by nature, he was always discreet and never drew attention to himself. Lilith was confident this preference was a hereditary trait.

Yet, if her father felt any discomfort at being in the spotlight—literally or otherwise—he did not show it. On stage, his manner was respectful and duly appreciative. Outward appearances were always important, he'd taught her. Watching him accept the trophy topped with a golden star from the president, Lilith thought her chest might burst with pride. Cora and Snow stepped to the side of either men, and flashes went off as photographers fought to capture the moment. Then Snow escorted President Ravinstill off the platform, and Cora relinquished her podium to Lilith's father.

Lilith wasn't aware thank-you speeches had been necessary, or in fact given by previous winners—she hadn't been paying enough attention. Now, however, she hung onto every word, few as they might be.

Characteristically, her father's address was humble and concise.

"Being in a position to give back to one's country is an enormous privilege, and I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Gamemakers for allowing us, the Gold Global Group, to be of service to Panem. We look forward to continuing doing our part for our nation and for our future, and we are excited for what this future holds. Thank you."

He looked forward to continuing doing his part? Did that mean...?

His golden eyes locking on hers from one of the screens, her father smiled, and Lilith just knew that it was for her. It could not have been more than a second, but she knew. When she exhaled, it was halfway to a laugh. Awash with maximum relief and joy and gratitude, Lilith longed for nothing more than to run up to him and give him a hug. She loved him so much; she needed to tell him. But not now. There would be proper a time for that, in private. Outward appearances were important.

HEART OF GOLD | CORIOLANUS SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now