Chapter 12: Working with Khan? (Part 2)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek

Chapter 12: Working with Khan (Part 2)


Leila's POV

After the communication with Spock Prime we sat around for a long time waiting for word from Jim. Spock had ordered to me assemble all of the senior medical staff in the weapons bay but had not told me why. Bones left not long after as well.

Suddenly a transmition came through and Khan appeared on the screen at gun point.

"JIM!" I screamed in fear.

"I'm going to make this very easy for you, your crew for my crew" Khan said.

"You betrayed us" Spock said.

"Oh you are smart Mister Spock" Khan replied.

"Spock don't d-" Jim started to say before Khan knocked me down.

The tears were now streaming down my face and I could feel the baby getting agitated.

"Mister Spock give me my crew"

"What will you do when you get them?"

"Continue the weaponry before we were banished"

"Which is I understand involves the mass genocide of anything being you find to be less than superior"

"Shall I destroy you Spock or will you give me what I want?"

"We have no transporter capabilities"

  "Fortunately mine are fully functional, drop your shields"

"If I do so I have no guarantee you will not destroy the Enterprise"

"Let's play this out logically then Mister Spock. Firstly I will kill your Captain to demonstrate my resolve then if yours holds I will have no choice but to kill you and your entire crew"

"If you destroy ship you will also destroy your own people"

"Your crew requires Oxygen to survive, mine does not. I will target your life support systems and after every single person aboard your ship suffocates I will walk over your cold corpses to recovery my people. I may even remove your unborn child from its dead mother's body; it would make a fine addition to my crew. Now shall we begin?"

I saw Spock turn around for just a moment to glance at me before ordering the shields to be lowered.

"A wise choice Mister Spock" Khan replied, "I see your 72 torpedoes are still in their chambers. If they're not mine Commander I will know it"    

"Vulcan's do not lie, the torpedoes are yours"

"Thank you Mister Spock"

"I have fulfilled your terms now fulfil mine"

"Well it seems I should return Kirk to you. After all, no ship should go down without her Captain"

Suddenly the alarms went off and immediately we knew Khan was up to something.

"He's locked all phasers on us" Sulu said and seconds later they started.

"The torpedoes, how much time Lieutenant?"

"12 seconds sir" a yellow shirt replied.

"Enterprise prepare for immanent proximity detonation"

"Sir their weapons have been knocked out" Sulu announced, "Not bad Commander"

"Thank you Lieutenant"

Seconds later the power went out.

"Switch to the backup power" Spock ordered.

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