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Today is hoseok and yoongi engagement.

A/n pov~

Yoongi in his room-
Why god!? Why, i have to marry that hoseok he said with frustration.

And broke the flower vase.

Suddenly he heard a knock on door.

Yoongi what happened i heard that something break mina ask behind door.

No mom, i just bumped into night stand and flower vase got broke nothing much.

Okay dear be careful and come downstairs fast.

[My mom be like : Shabash pura Ghar Tod do...when i break something😭]

Author note
( i change something that mina (yoongi mom and minho darling does not hate hoseok but she loves him like his own son 😁)

T-I-M-E S-K-I-P😅

A/n pov<
Today is gonna be there engagement and tomorrow is gonna be their wedding.

(i didn't know that much about engagement so let's get to the point)

Yoongi and hoseok are now standing in front of each other now.
Yoongi is lost in hoseok's beauty then he feels someone tapped his shoulder he turned around to see mr.min signal him to focus. And he came to his sense

They put ring in each other finger and everyone clapped for them.

*You are also invited to their wedding *

To be continued ~

I know it's a very short chapter but i have some of my project to do so i didn't write to much😅

And i was sleepy while writing this and also if i don't study joonie oppa goona come and shave my eyebrows .(come joonie oppa🌚🌚)

Stream Take two army's 💜💜💜<33

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