My Star (Chapter 4)

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Me: Hello everyone
Megastar: Just begin
Me: Fine

1 week after Starscream left

Megatrons pov

I was in the commications office waiting for any sign of Starscream. "Has anyone got a trail on Starscream?" I said over the comlink hiding the worry in my vocie. "Search party 3 here My Lord we picked up on a energon signal we think it might be Starscream but we're having some autobot trouble." Knockout said. "I'll be there in 5 minutes what's your coordinates?" I asked. Knockout sent me the coordinates. I ran to the ground bridge and actived it. I walked through the bridge and came out the other end in a forest. I ran to Knockout and asked "Which way is the signal?" With slight anger in my vocie. "That way My Leige." Knockout replied pointing towards a cave. I thanked Knockout and ran to the cave.

I searched the cave until I saw Starscream. It looked like he was recharging. I was surprised that he didn't wake up with the fight outside.
"Everyone Starscream has been found go back to the ship." I commanded over comms. I picked up Starscream bridle style. "Soundwave open a ground bridge at these coordinates." I said sending my coordinates. I walked out the cave as the ground bridge opened. "DECEPTICONS RETREAT!" I shouted running through the ground bridge.

I arrived back on the Nemesis and brought Starscream to the medbay realising his battered frame. This is all my fault. I thought as I put Starscream on the medical berth. Knockout walked in and gasped. "Breakdown get here now. Lord Megatron I need you to leave." Knockout said. I nodded and I left the medbay but waited by the door.

1 hour later.

Knockout walked out the medbay. "My Leige I have good and bad news." He said. "Well then what is it?" I asked hinted of worry in my vocie. "Well the good news is Starscream's alive." Knockout said. I sighed in relief. "But the bad news is he's in a coma and we don't know when he's going to wake up." Knockout continued. My optics winded in shock and sadness as I ran into the medbay.

Knockouts pov

I saw Megatron ran pass me. I knew he loved Starscream. Breakdown walked out medbay confused. "Why did Megatron just run into medbay at light speed?" He asked. I laughed as I kissed his cheek. "He loves Starscream. Why do you think he made search parties to find Starscream." I said. Breakdown looked at my with a smirk. "Well I ship it." Breakdown said. "Me to Breaky." I said. Suddenly, Breakdown grabbed servo and started dragging me. "Breakdown what are you doing?"I asked. I saw Breakdown smirk a little. "We haven't got to spend time together all week Knocky I thought we could have some fun." Breakdown said seductively. I blushed when I realised what he ment. "BREAKDOWN!" I shouted."come Knocky I know you want to." He said. I nodded as we got to our berth room.

Megatrons pov

I stood next to Starscream with tears in my optics. "Primus why am I crying I'm the mighty leader of the decepticons." I said wipping away my tears. "I'm sorry Starscream I'll make it up to you when you wake up. I love you my Star."

Me: So?
Megatron: It was interesting.
Starscream: *Holding in laughter*
Me: Starscream?
Starscream: *Burst out laughing.
Megatron: Why are you laughing.
Starscream: It's just Knockouts pov
Megatron: Okay that was funny
Me: Bye everyone see you next chapter

Megatron x Starscream Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora