you're mine get that clear in your head

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What was Jennie thinking when she wore that top, I get the point she wants to look hot but at what cost......someone coming up passing nasty comments on her or looking at her with lust in their eyes???

I just don't want her to get hurt is that wrong for me to assume???

i am just being overdramatic again.... dating Jennie sure has its perks

I said rolling my eyes to myself.

"Congratulations sexy" Lisa said as she approached me on the court.

"Seriously Lisa?? You have to stop with weird ass names you know it makes Jennie mad" I said shaking my head but still laughing at her words.

"What makes you think I don't want that?" Lisa said raising her eyebrow

"you two are so childish"

"Congratulations chu" Jennie said jumping into my arms as her legs crossed over my waist, not wanting her to fall I held her as she kissed my neck.

Who the fuck kisses someone on neck when they're sweaty...ew

The Jennie Kim I know hates it when I am like this, she doesn't even touch me until I've had a shower or prefers pda......what changed?

"What do you want Jennie?" I asked as I definitely knew she wanted something by the way she's acting

"you" she said kissing my neck AGAIN

"Truth Jennie, tell me the truth" I said lifting her chin up from my neck.

She isn't even getting down from my waist??? I mean I love her but I am tired right now

I tried to let get her on the ground but failed, she was stuck to me like a koala I let it slide and held her close

"I saw this girl eyeing you while you were playing and the same girl was approaching you so I did what I did" she said hanging her head low

"that's ridiculous" I said laughing at her silliness.

"Oh really???, would you be okay if someone did that to me"

"Why would I not, you're beautiful, people need to appreciate that" I said shrugging at her previous statement

"Are you sure?" she asked as she got down from my waist.

Oh, thank god it was starting to hurt.

She unzipped her jacked and passed it to Chae

She smirked and looked at me as I was busy staring at know what I everything

"Still not bothered?" she asked, still smirking at me.

"No jenduek I am not" I said smiling at her softly

She was frustrated.

My team mates were leaving the court and one of them said to Jennie "love your fit"

"thankyou" jennie said looking at her

They started having a conversation I was okay with it so I turned my attention to Chae and Lisa who were heavily making out on the bench....ew can they not keep their hands to themselves

I interrupted them and told them everything as we were enjoying watching Jennie have a conversation with my team mate.

It was so awkward I felt like laughing out loud

"you're so unbothered, why?" Chae asked

I was going to talk when Lisa interrupted

"You know it's hot to have a jealous girlfriend"

"she's mine I know that I don't care if the world knows that or not and Lisa having a jealous girlfriend is NOT hot, it leads to trust issues and I want a good mental health so I stay out of the jealous section" I said still looking at Jennie but this time I had a from the way that girl was leaning in.

"jeez, you're the grown up one for sure" Lisa said

"If only you were one" Rosie said responding to Lisa

"hey I am you----" you know what they just started to bicker I left them there and made my way towards Jennie

"So would you like to go on a date with me?" the girl asked



Before Jennie could answer I said, "i am sorry she has a girlfriend"

"Hey Jisoo, who's her girlfriend" she said smiling at me as I saw Jennie clenching her jaw at the statement

Is she being serious right now???? Why is she bothered I should be the one bothered

"Me actually, now if you would excuse us, we have some business to attend" I started pulling Jennie with me not even bothering to look back

I pushed her towards one of the lockers

"someone's jealous who says they are unbothered" she said laughing at me

"I'm sorry if I feel the need to keep you away from other people's eyes" I said smiling at her

"ew, cringe" she said making a face I know what she's trying to do

I held the back of her neck and pulled her close as I said "you're mine get that clear in your head"

"Now this one was way hotter baby" she whispered brushing her nose against mine

"oh, shut up yo-" I started to talk but she interrupted me again

"Why don't you make me" she said smirking at me

I was irritated and furious at her actions

I kissed her, I kissed her harshly

I took her bottom lip between my teeth and bit it harshly she moaned as I growled against her lips

"You shouldn't have done that" I said nipping her neck harshly

"Shou-shouldn't hav-ve done what?" she said spoke barely making it through the end as she was a moaning mess.

I made my way down towards her breast as I let go of that little to no coverage top.

I sucked on her breasts leaving hickeys all over the place to tell people who she belongs to, she belongs to me and only ME.

a/n stream ME by Jisoo for good mental health ;)

I sucked her nub and biting it lightly as my hand was kneading her other breast.

My other hand was trying to unzip her pants


Jennie was a moaning mess; she was moaning so loudly someone might here us

I removed my mouth from her breast to ask her to be quiet I was pushed against her breast again as she said "don't you dare stop now"

"Just keep it down" I said as I continued sucking and biting her other breast

Her moans were music to my ears. 

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