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Kaveh didn't know how many minutes had passed; it felt like hours. After losing consciousness while he was drowning in bathtub and bleeding, he found himself in a vivid dream in a dark place, feeling cold, alone, and in pain. Tears welled up in his eyes without him understanding the reason; he simply felt overwhelmed.

"Am... Am I crying?" As his tears continued to flow, he realized he couldn't speak, and his throat hurt. He struggled to express his feelings

"i...i Don't.. Understand anything... I feel lo... Lost"...kaveh closes his eyes of fear

Suddenly he...hear familiar voice...calling his name

"my little boy kaveh..."







"wait this voice.... dad? ... Is that you..."

"why is that all tears... Did you exhausted yourself my dear..." his dad pat on his shoulder.... Kaveh somehow feel warm and calm...

"dad... Is that really you... I cant see..its all dark..."

"my boy.. Just openes your eyes... Don't be afraid " his dad cares on kaveh face to wipe his tears

All sudden kaveh hug his dad very passionately....

"dad... I.. I miss you soo much" kaveh tears up again....

"i... I know i am the reason why you are dead..."

His father's voice echoed with a mix of compassion and sadness. "My dear son, you must not burden yourself with such blame. My time on this world had its own journey, and it was not your doing. You have carried the weight of your guilt for far too long."

Kaveh says... "but.. I.."

His father interrupt and says... "no.. You are not the reason my dear... I just wanted to see your smile... It gaved me happiness all my life... Well before i was dead"

Kaveh says "eh.."

His father chuckled, "Oh... my dear child, I was just kidding. Let's say I drowned in quicksand; it was just a skills issue."

Kaveh here is speechless "...."

"Now... Let me wipe your tears, dear young boy. I'm really happy to see you growing into a perfect gentleman," his father paused for a moment...

"but why you are here?... "

Kaveh is shocked... Is he dead???

Is he between life and death???

"i.. All i remember i was in water..."

Well, my boy, I'm certain neither of us is ready to depart just yet, don't you agree? At least not for me," his father chuckled softly, attempting to lighten the mood

Kaveh hugged his father again. He just wanted to hug him and close his eyes.

"Dad... I feel lost... I can't do anything right... I feel useless and pathetic."

"I miss my mother too... I know she left to start a new beginning, and I am happy for her... But deep down... I feel lonely."

His father interrupted Kaveh's speech..

"wait.. Did your mother moved out to see a new husband... Where is the loyalty... She is-"

"She is what..." Kaveh's mom cut off her husband's speech.

Kaveh was shocked. "Mom?! How are you here... Are you unconscious too? What happened to you... Are you-"

"Now, now, young boy, you ask so many questions... Don't worry, I am part of your dream, my son."

However seeing himself with his family again.....Kaveh felt a sense of déjà vu, witnessing both his mother and father in the same place, their presence bringing warmth to his heart.

" Mom, Dad, I... Love you so much." Kaveh gave hugs to both of them, burying his face between them. "I don't want to leave... I want to stay together... I... Want us to be together again..."

Kaveh teared up, saying these sentences in a hurtful voice.

His parents' voices blended, gently patting his head. "It's never too late to find yourself, Kaveh. Trust in yourself and know that we are always with you."

His parents hugged Kaveh and said, "Kaveh, you were our joy and you will always be."

"It's time to wake up, Kaveh."

Kaveh's grip tightened as he hugged them, desperately pleading, "No... No... Don't go."

But no matter what, he could feel their presence slowly slipping away, like sand slipping through his fingers... as he realized he couldn't hold on to them. "Don't go... Stay..."

But the more he held on, the more they faded, until all he was left with was hugging himself tightly, surrounded by darkness, emptiness, and the echoes of their voices.

"You could..... have stayed," he told himself.

As Kaveh's consciousness wavered between the realm of the living and the abyss of darkness, a faint sound reached his ears. It was a voice, distant at first, but growing louder and clearer with each passing moment.

"Kaveh! Kaveh!







To be Continue 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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