Slave ? 🐰🐿️

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Requested By: anonymous

(includes smuts)




Soobin bent down and sat on the ground, sobbing. He hugged his knees and started crying while mumbling. Everything in his life was a chaos. He had no money and he couldn't get a single job that pays him enough to lead a life.

"just why...what did i do to deserve this...why god why-"

Soobin slowly looked up when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was a dark night but the light from the moon was enough for him to see the face of the person.

" there something i can help you with ?"

Soobin stared at the boy's face with his mouth wide opened. The person stepped back a bit since he realised he was standing too close to Soobin.

"so handsome..."

"sorry ?"


Soobin stood up, now towering the boy. He wiped his tears and looked down, biting his lips.


"you wanna get some coffee ? with me ?"


The boy started walking. Soobin stared at him for a while before following him.


The boy turned around to look at Soobin. Soobin was quite surprised to see how the boy had no reactions or emotions on his face.

"what's your name ?"

The boy finally smiled making Soobin's heart flip and beat faster.

"Taehyun...and yours ?"

"o-oh...I'm Soobin"

"nice to meet you...Soobin-ssi"

Soobin couldn't help but smile back at him. He followed Taehyun while screaming inside. They sat inside a cafe and ordered their coffees. They remained silent until their coffees got served. Soobin started fiddling with his fingers around the coffee glass.

" you're comfortable, you can tell me what's bothering you.."

Soobin hesitated for a while. He opened his mouth a few times but shut it back when no words seemed to come out.

"it's alri-"

"i...i don't have money....and not just money...i have no one...i can't get myself a job and the landlord is gonna kick me out tomorrow..."

"i can offer you a job"

Soobin's face gleamed with joy. He looked up and shifted closer in his seat.

"really ??? what kind of job ? will i get paid a lot ??"

"um...i can't tell you what job it is just...have to work for me"

"l-like a....slave ?"

"um... that's not the right word i think- it's just... you'll get paid a lot..."

Reverie (TXT Oneshots)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora