Chapter 7

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" Madden hurry up," Gun yelled forcing me to sprint to catch him. Coach has been on our asses about playoffs this week. I haven't had time to see Xera other than in English but she made it her job to avoid me. During passing periods she would rush off before I had time to walk her to her next class. During lunch, she wouldn't be seen near the same table as her group. Well, I'm not sure they are her group, she mostly sat off the distance from Indie. I just know they're both heavily into math, and I need more information on her. Running past my teammates I stop near our Coach waiting on his next punishment.

"Hustle up ladies," He screamed rushing the newbies to sprint fast. Circling him we waited until he spoke, "Next week is playoffs, no bullshitting around. I need everyone in the right headspace, limit your intake on parties and sex." The boys broke into laughter receiving dirty looks from the Coach, they were playing a risky game of nonstop laps around the field. Quickly shutting them up with his whistle he went on to his shitty inspiration story about hard work and making it big. Occasionally dropping my uncle's name Michael Crist, I'm glad I'm not his son. He would be on my ass 24/7, the way Aaron is expected to follow in his father's lead. Breaking away from practice I hit the shower letting the water consume me.

"Hey baby boy," I heard Ivars speak from the side of me. "How's your chick doing?" He didn't give a shit just need an excuse to get in my head. "What? Was your dick not long enough, give her to me I'll show her what a real man does," He bickered lighting a cigarette in the shower.

"Fuck off Ivars and lay off the cigarette before Mom finds out," Gun chimes in. I hear the protest of Ivar knowing Gun had ripped the stick out of his mouth. " Ignore him, he is just pissed off he got blown off twice," Gun says turning on the faucet to shower. I turn mine off wrapping the towel on my torso. "Mads" I froze in my steps turning to allow Gun to speak. "Thank you for the help in practice,"  I nod leaving him there. He was always the nicer one out of the Torrance aside from Tavi. More of Winter was seen in him than Damon, not that my uncle was evil or anything, just misunderstood. Grabbing my stuff from the locker I quickly dressed heading outside. It had been weeks and finally, my dad convinced my mother to lean the keys back.

Turning the engine on I grab my phone texting Indie.

M: Where is She?
I: Oh hello? Where are your matters?
M: Come on I know you two talk.
I: Waiting...
M: Hello Indie, how are you this Tuesday evening?
I: I'm doing excellent! Thank you for your interest in me. You?
M: Enough of this. Tell me, please.
I: ...
M: I'm shit there happy?
I: Wasn't so hard was it?
M: Indie.
I: Grayson's living room. We have an event this week, stay away I need her focus.
M: HELLO !!!

This whole week she had been at the Grayson's less than a block away from us. I should have known from their math tournament. I used to be in it before dropping, Indie was a pain in the ass to deal with. Doesn't help when you see your captain during every holiday forcing information down your throat. Indie gets math and I get debate to lessen the stress our parents give us. It has always been competition in our household.

Speeding through the town I received honks not giving a shit. What are they going to do? Arrest a future senator's son? Aunt Rika and my mother will end them all before it ends at the police station. Shifting gears I press the gas knowing it's all straight forward path from here. I couldn't believe Indie, she knew how I felt about Xera. Turning the wheel and pressing the brakes only when I'm at a 20-degree angle I parked the car running inside the Grayson's.

Locked. Of course, it's locked, she wants to see me in pain. Pressing the room bell I overheard Diablo barking in the back. "Come on Indie, I know you are in there," I say over the wooden door.

"Leave Madden."

"Indie please, one talk is all I ask." Hearing the locks move I see Xera behind Indie. "Hey," I step forward to grab Xera's hand, Indie comes between us and nods her face 'No'. "What?"

"Five minutes no kissing or anything," She stated leaving us. "FIVE MADDEN," I waited until I heard the living room door close, reaching in to kiss Xera's lips. I felt her hand go to my chest stopping me from continuing.

"Indie orders," Xera teased touching my lips with her fingers. "You got 4 minutes and 50 seconds left"

"Not even a good luck kiss?" I went forward again receiving her hands on my chest. "Xera," I grabbed her palm pulling her into the coat closet. Pressing her hands above her head I lean into her ear. "Quit playing hard it only gets me going," I bit her earlobe watching her shake trying to break free from me.

"I'll scream"

"Do it, I have time to plan my kiss before Indie returns," I lean in tempting her to yell. She stays frozen watching my lips an inch away from hers. "Scream for me," I sunk fighting with her tongue until she syncs with mine. As much as she said no, her body wanted mine. Gripping her chin I deepened our kiss pulling her body on me. Every hair standing up by her touch. Her warm vanilla scent kept me captivated to feel where I knew she was begging. "You are mine," I said between each pull, grind, and kiss. "All mine whether you like it or not," I creep my hand under her pants squeezing her ass and forcing her to feel my groin wanting out.

"Mads," She moans with each thrust begging to tear the fabric holding us back. Her hands explored my body feeling every dip in my abs leading to my groin. Her eyes met mine asking for permission. "We have 3 minutes left," She warn her offer in the air playing with the button of my jeans.

"Make them count baby," I kiss her allowing her to undress me. Her finger eager to let me free she went on her knees freeing me. Watching her eyes grow at my size I worried if I'll leave her bruised once the time was up. "Start slow and easy," I guide her feeling her warm palms around my dick. She kisses the tip before sucking on it. "Ahh fuck, rub at the same time," I groan watching the lust fill her eyes. Using her palms she strokes my dick deepening her mouth into me. I gasp holding in our secret session, I wasn't sure if Indie was timing us but there was no way I was allowing her free until I busted. Watching her work her way I felt her suck and nib on my edges teasing me with her innocent eyes. "So hot baby, yeah ah just like that," She increases her speed taking all of me in her. I heard her gag a few times before adjusting me in her mouth. Rolling my head back I bit my lips nearly at my peak. "Goddamn Xera fuck baby harder," I whimper seeing her eyes watering from the pain she enjoyed. She was glad to see me in the same state I had her weeks ago. Working her mouth in and out of my dick I wipe the tears coming out of her eyes.

"You are doing so good baby, just like that I'm close," I moan not caring if Indie was behind the door. Reaching my peak I gasp loud feeling myself ready to bust. I tried pulling out but she kept me in watching her mouth dip with my pleasure. "Fuck Xera," I smile watching her swallow and clean me off quickly. I grab her face pull her back into my mouth and kiss her sweet lips. I didn't give a shit if we got caught I had what I wanted here. "What if we ask for another five minutes?" I whisper wiping her mouth clean. She smiles shaking her head no.

"Indie needs me. How about next week?" Xera asks fixing her clothes and checking for any signs of liquid on her.

"This Saturday?" I beg, watching her eyes on my solid dick. Half of me begging she could do it in 40 seconds again.

"Before the tournament, we meet alone as good luck?" She smirks playing with my hair and kissing my neck all over. Fuck I need her right now in between me. "Yes or no, we have 10 seconds left."

"Yes, I'll text you when the team gets there"

"Bring protection I want you in me next time," She kisses my cheek leaving me in the closet to control myself again. It's always the quiet ones who know how to please.

A / N : I forgot to hit publish yesterday, apologies <333 .

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