Chapter 10: New Friends

Start from the beginning

"I suppose not." Unbuckling his helmet. "Let me introduce myself then." A brief silence was present between the two. Her eyes widened but nothing else. "I'm Peter Parker." extending out his hand.

"Gwen Stacy..." Like him, she didn't want to make a scene. It wasn't her Peter, she told herself. It wasn't. She shook his hand. "But you already knew that, huh?" A smile to hide the truth.

"I just wanted to be special like you..." A painful memory, one that she didn't know they both share.

They stayed like that for a minute before Gwen's eyes wondered behind him to the large displays. He turned too, to a shocking revelation.

In big bold letters.
New York's Hero, Spider-Man Found Dead At 26


Peter paced around outside Aunt May's house or rather this world's May. Standing on the opposite side of the street he sees the gifts, the candles and the pictures. He can see through some of the windows, she looked troubled, in pain. He wish he never saw such an expression on his Aunt May. He wished he wasn't here even. Oh god, he doesn't even know what happened to his Aunt May back in his world...

Gwen did offered him to come with her to Alchemax who she suspected were behind both the inter-dimensional travel and the death of this world's Spider-Man. Peter flat out refused, he didn't give a particular reason as to why but seeing how stubborn he is, instead she decided to direct him to Aunt May's house. Asked him to wait for her there while she get what she needed from Alchemax. It seemed that she brought more than just intel though.

Gwen and two other people arrived via web-slinging, damn he needed one of those. Gwen waved him over to meet them.

"Woah, another me but younger." Peter B. forcibly inspects his younger self. Much like how Doc Ock or Liv did to him back at Alchemax. "Could use a shave though. Keep your face clean."

"Hadn't had a chance..." He tried stopping his older self from touching his face further.

"Sup, Younger Peter." Miles step forward. "I'm Miles, Miles Morales. Nice to have another age appropriate member to the team."

"Yeah and with age comes wisdom." Peter B. says with a raised eyebrow. Aside from him, Peter, Gwen and Miles were approximately the same age.

"So are we going to...?" Peter gestures to the door.

"Yeah, Peter- wait I mean." Gwen corrects herself, having two people named Peter was gonna be a problem while communicating.

"What about this when both of us are here just use my second name, Benjamin." Peter B. concedes. "Or Ben, I don't really care."

Moment of truth, Peter B. or now Benjamin webs the doorbell, ringing it. Both Peters have a lot on their minds. For Benjamin, the last he saw her was in a casket. For Peter, the last he saw her was when they had their breakfast like any other normal day. It killed him to know that he wasn't with her or Uncle Ben when his world collapsed.

"You guys are all very sweet..." The door opens slowly. "But no more fans today please-."

The sound of her bat drops. Looking at the two Peters.

"Peter?" She approaches. "Peter." She touched Benjamin face first, seeing his older disheveled state. Turning to Peter, she runs her fingers through his unkept hair. "Oh look at you two..." Pulling them into a hug. Both Benjamin and Peter needed this, giving their own embrace to her.

Miles looked with a smile, Aunt May gets to see her son again. Gwen though looking at both Peters, she couldn't help but think how her dimension's Aunt May would feel if she met her son again.

"Alternate dimensions huh?" She says as if she understood what was happening, letting go of both of them. Benjamin, Peter, Gwen and Miles looked at each other in confusion. "And what dimensions are you two from?"

"Brooklyn." Miles said jokingly. "I was there when it happened, he gave me this." Showing the broken usb stick.

"A Goober..." She takes a look, knowing exactly wheat to do. "Follow me."

She brings them to a shed behind the house with haste. Opening a seemingly simple lock but was actually an elaborate entrance. The false doors light up into a Spider logo before opening up and revealing an elevator that leads underground.

"This place is pretentious..." Benjamin comments as they enter.

"It's pretty cool though." Peter responds. "Like the Batcave."

"What's a BatCave?" Miles confused.

Correction, it wasn't like the BatCave. It's exactly like the BatCave, the Car, the Motorcycle, the array of suits and a super computer of some kind.

"Dude was yours anything like this?" Miles in awe as they make it to the main floor.

"Mine was like this..." Partially the truth. "Take away the Jeep, Plane. Imagine a way smaller room, imagine a futon." Saving face. "I feel sad for this guy-." Stopping himself to go to a framed picture of Mary Jane.

Miles wondered the suits. Locking eyes at a spare Spider-Man suit, one that he hoped he would someday fit into.

"Peter knew how dangerous the Job was." Aunt May approached Gwen and Peter from behind as they looked at some sort crime board that had pictures of King Pin's goons and hired thugs. "But he figured the only who can stop them is Spider-Man."

"That's a lot of people..." Peter observed.

"What's worse is that they know we're coming." Miles chimed in. "We're gonna be outnumbered."

"Don't be so sure..." Aunt May commented.



Alright that does it for this one. Tell me how you guys feel about Peter B. being referred to as Benjamin or Ben. Leave a comment. Also to those who might say that Gwen's reaction was kinda underwhelming. Trust me, making a scene where she'd bawl is kinda out of character.

Even in the movie she's claimed to have 'moved on' but don't worry, eventually that wall will chip away. Won't say how but it will.

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