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It had been a long day for Ian Gallagher. He had worked hard and now he was ready for a break. He stripped out of his work clothes and threw on a pair of comfortable shorts. His body was tense with exhaustion but also anticipation. He knew why he was really home.

He made his way to the bedroom, and there she was. His beautiful wife, Y/n, was lying in the bed, wearing nothing but a pair of lacy black panties. She smiled as he entered the room, and he could feel the heat radiating from her body.

He quickly stripped off his shorts and moved toward her. He could feel the intensity of her gaze on him as he approached. She pulled him down onto the bed and began to kiss him passionately.

Their hands explored each other's bodies, caressing and teasing. They moved in perfect harmony, as if they had been doing this for years. His hands roamed her curves, sending waves of pleasure through her body. Her fingers found his most sensitive spots, making him gasp with pleasure.

The intensity of their lovemaking increased as they moved together. They were lost in each other, their bodies melding into one. Soon they were both gasping with pleasure as they reached their climax.

Ian felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him as he lay there with Y/n in his arms. He gently kissed her forehead and smiled. This was what it was all about.

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