V. and then, it was goodbye

Start from the beginning

She got rid of that happiness soon though as a stern look was morphed. A sweat dropped on the side of your cheek at the 360° turn of her character. " You aren't faking that smile, are you? " Her menacing aura caused you to shake your head vigorously and softly stutter out a reply that you weren't. She had her eyes squinting at you, as if inspecting every inch of your personality finding if there was some part that you were lying.

" Well, that's good. If I knew that you're lying to me who knows what will happen! " She chirped so carelessly as if there wasn't any threat laced in her tone. This woman and her scary personality changing was beyond compared to the mood swings you'd barely have.

" Anyway, how's it been between the two of you? Yuri - I mean. " She gingerly wrapped her fingers on the open spaces between both of her hands and rested her chin there sideways as she stared at you eagerly upon her mention of the girl (that you've been avoiding for the last few months.)

" We're fine, it's just that we've been busy lately with schools and some - other stuffs. " You responded, quickly than you intended it to be. She seemed to pick up your rather uncanny reply but decided not to think about it that much. Though the message that she have had with mentioned girl a week ago when the woman decided to check up on the person that was currently dating her only child bothered her in a way when she told her: " I haven't had contact with them for a few months now, [M. Name]-san..." and some lines how you were probably busy with studying and she didn't want to be a bother much to that matter.

She didn't have the time to question you about how the two of you really have been going on and as much as she knew that she shouldn't be barging in with your relationship, it was something private and kept between you and Yuri afterall. Still, Haru couldn't help but be concerned because as any mother would do, one would be regarding with how their child are being treated by their significant other. She wanted nothing more but for her child, you, to approach a relationship that was healthy and to be nothing like how her and your father had.

But seeing the events that have happened and not wanting to trigger anything to you, she nodded understandingly and looked at you with sincere eyes.

" If you're having any problems, don't hesitate with opening up to me, okay? "

After the heartfelt breakfast you had with your mother, you were quick to head off to school and was able to arrive early in class, very early that you were the one to

Nothing seemed to catch and intrigue your attention with the overall lessons your teachers taught today - the fact that you slept half of them would be the possible reason along with your thoughts were still silently out of control with all the things that's happened.

During lunch, you had no choice to eat on the school's cafeteria instead only realizing at that certain time that you've forgotten to pack lunch. Somehow, it felt a little foreign to eat in this place. It was either of these two that you ate at: 1. *Toriniku-san, a small restaurant that wasn't far away from where your school were. They served the best kinds of chicken dishes a food place could ever offer but your personal favourite was their chicken teriyaki, 2. The classroom itself. Whenever you were too broke to buy food, you just made something whatever you had left in your home and pack it in your bento, eat it at the room. You barely ate at the school's cafeteria anymore, but honestly either those three would give you a satisfied stomach.

At one point, when you were about to take the last sip of the coffee milk the cafeteria provided (it wasn't always that they offer this type of drink so you tried to relish the taste) - your thoughts suddenly drifted towards the salmon pink haired boy who got slapped in the face by none other than you. You didn't mean it. You were honest with your words, you really didn't. It was just - something snapped you when he mentioned that instrument that you've been avoiding on playing for three years and the look in his eyes - haunted you. You knew that was the same look you had when you were eager to play the guitar. That glint, those shine that covered his eyes, either would have been the reason. But then again, to the ones who saw what you've done all they would have think of was you didn't have to do that, why did you? You didn't have to do that, you thought of yourself so why did you?

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