"Time for the rice and the dress," Scuttle said. "And the what do ya call it?" she asked at a loss of words.

"The thing with the lips when they press?" she asked looking at Sebastian and Y/N for an answer.

"I don't have lips, I have a beak," she explained.

"So I guess I could give you a peck on the cheek?" Scuttle asked hesitantly.

"I don't believe it," the crab muttered.

"Say, you're awfully quiet," the bird said to Y/N and Y/N tilted her head in annoyance.
"Oh, yeah" the bird remembered. "So what now?"Scuttle asked.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" the crab exclaimed.

"Can you believe the scuttlebutt?" asked the bird.

"Get dressed child!" Sebastian shouted at Y/N as she instantly shot up and hurridly got dressed.

"You're welcome for the scuttlebutt," the bird sang.


Y/N ran through the halls excitedly as she ran through the halls and almost ran into a worker. She found herself in the dining room and walked up to the screen door and peeked a look at the balcony only to see the Prince with another girl. A beautiful brunette with an elegant purple dress.

She listened as the Queen gave her thanks to the mysterious girl. She watched as the girl interlocked her arm with the Prince's as she told the queen that anyone would have done the same while she looked in the Prince's eyes the same way Y/N did.

She gasped in surprise and quickly ran outside of the palace.

She held back tears as she walked down to the shore and sat down on a rock. She took the mermaid that the prince gave her out of her pocket and dropped it into the ocean.


'Risking it all only to fall,' the girl sang to herself as she looked down at the feet she got in exchange of her sacrifice,'Back where I started'

'Back near the shore, back to before,' she as she looked at the shoreline,'you took my hand'

"Betcha on land they understand," she told herself ironically,"and they don't strand you, brokenhearted"

'What did I give to live where you are?' she asked herself with regret. She looked down as she heard Sebastian's claws against the surface of the rock. He wanted to ask her what happend but knew she wouldn't be able to answer. 'Where do I go with nowhere to turn to,' she thought to herself.


Scuttle was flying by the palace looking for Y/N  but her attention was caught by a familiar voice. Y/N's. This led the bird to think that the girl got her kiss and got her voice back. The bird flew to the source of the sound. Scuttle tilted her head in confusion as she watched a strange girl begin to break things in the room.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah," Y/N's voice sang except it wasn't Y/N,"Ah, ah, ah" 

"La-da-da, la-da-di, la-da-da, la-da-da," the voice continued,"La-da-di, la-da-da, la-da-da-da-da

La-da-di, la-da-da, la-da-da." Scuttle watched as the girl sat down in the bathtub and Scuttle  gasped in shock as the girl faced the mirror revealing that it was the seawitch in disguise.

"So long, red!," the voice exclaimed as she twirled her hands above her head and cackled. The bird quickly flew away searching desperately for Y/N to tell her what she saw.

My Little Mermaidजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें