Chapter 3: A Certain Black Market

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*Y/n Pov*

After the events of the robbery I started to wonder...

There were only three robbers before so why was there a fourth one.

Was it because of me?

And I was frozen.

I would have been useless if it weren't for Misaka distracting him.

It has already been a few days since the events of that day. After I knocked him out Anti-skill arrived. Saten and Uiharu ran towards me making sure that I was alright.

Y/n: "God I feel so useless." I say as I walk through the streets of academy city looking down at my phone to see if I'm at the right place.

After all I can't let go of this deal!

I mean there are some limited edition parts for only 10,000 Yen! (around $100).

I even turned down visiting Misaka's dorm for this.

Y/n: "But something tells me that I wouldn't want to go anyways..." I mumble to myself.

Y/n: "Hm? This should be it." I say as I look towards a warehouse in a dangerous part of Academy City.

Y/n: "Alright then!" I walk towards the doors and knock on them while repeating the words I was told to repeat.

Y/n: "I got an order for an extra large pizza with... p-pineapples." I say as I had to force myself to state the second part.


Y/n: "Huh?" I look up to see a big man around 195 centimeters.

Big dude: "You here for the parts?" He says looking down at me with a questioning look.

Y/n: "Eh? Ah! Yes misterr...?" I say wanting to get him name.

Big dude: "Call me M." He looks at me growing more suspicious of me.

Y/n: 'OH Right! You really shouldn't tell your name in this type of business!'

Y/n: "A-ah YEAH! You can call me errrrr T-Toolbox!" I think that's what people called me.

M: "Right? Now follow me." He say walking away from me and deeper into the warehouse.

Y/n: "Yeah! Sure!" I say as I quickly run after him.

*M Pov*

Really to think that the trap would actually work.

And to think that we were able to lure an easy target.

M: "The parts are right here." I say as we reach a box while the others surround us still hiding.

Y/n: "WOW! Look at all these parts! Oh and look at this I have never seen this before!" She says as she quickly looks through the box.

M: "Glad you like it. Now the payment." I say as the others gets ready.

*3rd Pov*

Y/n: "Ah sure! But first..."

M: "hm?"

Y/n: "It isn't nice to gang up on someone you know." He says t while turning to face M.

M: "Shit! She knows get her!" M exclaims as a large group of men reveal themselves ready to attack with guns.

But before they could even shoot most of their guns where cut by what appears to be a mechanical scythe extending from Y/n's bag as it is quickly pushed up against M's neck.

But before they could even shoot most of their guns where cut by what appears to be a mechanical scythe extending from Y/n's bag as it is quickly pushed up against M's neck

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A Certain Scientific ToolboxWhere stories live. Discover now