'Do you trust me?..'.. He picked it up and stood.

'You know I do..'.. She wiped her face with her hands.

'Then let me take care of this. You deserve to be happy Em..'.. He said, giving her a small smile.

'Ok..'.. She sighed, and stood up, coming around to hug him.

'Now go see your lover boy. You need to relax. I'll have Friday let you know when Ross is here..'.. He kissed the side of her head, and pulled her to the door, and through the lab. He gave her a little shove, before heading to his own lab to find out what he could.

He was disgusted with what the government were doing to her, and he was going to do whatever it took to free her from this.


Emma curled into Sam on her bed, as she told him about Tony. She felt so lost, afraid that there was no way out of it.

'I'm glad you told him..'.. He stroked her back... 'If anyone can pull this off, it's Tony. He loves you Em, you know he won't let anything happen to you. And I won't either..'

'Its Bucky I'm worried about, more than me..'.. She sighed, tilting her head up to look at him... 'He's going to hate himself for it, and if he lashes out at Ross, that will just give him an excuse to lock Bucky up..'

'Maybe you should tell him. If he knows, they he'll have time to come to terms with the contract and probably won't lash out..'.. He said, and Emma gave him a look...  'Yeah, alright..'

Emma shifted to sit up... 'Its too late Sam. They've already got someone they want me to be with..'

Sam went to say something when Friday called out for them, that Tony wanted them in the main room. Emma took a deep breath, knowing that this was it. Getting off the bed, she sniffled, fidgeting with his hoodie that she wore.

Neither one said anything at they walked down to the main room, and she saw every one of the team there, and Ross stood with another man, who was smirking at her.

'Miss Barnes..'.. She saw Ross' gaze flick to Sam and them holding hands... 'We have a meeting, in private..'

'Whats this about?..'.. Bucky asked, stepping forward.

'Miss Barnes has conditions in our contract that she needs to fulfil, isn't that right?..'.. Ross smiled over at her, and she looked down, nodding.

'Actually, she doesn't..'.. Steve smirked at her as she looked over to him. He folded his arms, and nodded at Tony.

'The contract became null and void, after you failed to meet your end of the bargain..'.. Tony had Friday pull up a holo projection of the contract, and other files she didn't know about... 'You never gave her the recognition of her rank, instead you took it away. You also never expunged Bucky record, declaring him a free man, so he's basically still a fugitive..'... Tony grinned as he looked over to Ross... 'Not only that, but you took the money my father left for her. It was to be used to find her, and if she was found alive, the rest of the money was meant to pass to her. Otherwise, it was to fund scholarships in her name, for young women pursuing careers in science and tech..'

Emma was stunned. She didn't know Howard had done that for her. But she was so damn pissed at what Ross had done. They had stripped her of her rank, that her old friends had fought so hard to get for her, and kept Buckys record on him.

'Are you fucking kidding me?..'.. She growled at Ross, heading to go for him and Sam held her back... 'I don't give a fuck that you took my rank or my money, but you lied about Bucky? Why the fuck would you do that?..'

'To keep you both in control..'.. Tony said before Ross came out with some bullshit.

'Until you met our conditions, his record was on hold. And you no longer needed your rank, seeing as in a few months, you will be completely retired, and Mrs Walker..'.. He claps the man next to him on the shoulder.

'I am not marrying that asshole..'.. She spat out, feeling someone else grab hold of her as she slipped from Sam's grasp.

'Then Mr Barnes will be heading to the raft. Oh, and then there's this..'... He holds up a file, dropping it on the dining table... 'For the rest of you, you sign or resign. Its a very detailed contract drawn up by the United Nations after the whole mess you made in Sokovia. You follow our rules, and do what we say, when we say it..'

'No, you can't do that..'.. Nat shook her head at him... 'You controlling us? That's not going to happen. We go where we needed, not where you tell us to. You'll use us to start wars, leave those in danger who need us. I'm not signing..'

The others all began stating that they wouldn't either, and Emma saw Tony smirk, looking down at his phone.

'What are you laughing at Stark?..'...Ross caught him and Tony just chuckled.

'You're on the news Ross. We all are. Friday has been live streaming this whole conversation. I even had her send off copies of the contract to every news outlet in the country. Showing them exactly what you've been forcing her to do..'... Tony got right up in Ross' face... 'And right now, I got a friend speaking with the president. Seems he didn't know about this, and he's really not happy with you..'

Emma felt her legs go weak, she was free, or at least she hoped that's what was going on.

'I'm sure you'll be getting a call any minute Ross, so good luck. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out..'.. Tony stepped back, coming to stand with Emma, and the others all moved to stand with her. Bucky took one of her hands, and Sam the other... 'This is my family, and no one fucks with my family..'

Emma watched Ross scowl, and then heard his phone ring in his pocket. It took him a minute, but he pulled it out and motioned for Walker to leave with him. As soon as they were gone from the room, Emma sank down, and felt arms come around her as she burst out crying.

'I got you..'.. She heard Sam whisper in her ear as he held her. She was free to finally live her life as she wanted.


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