Part 31- Trail Ride

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Wilson's POV:

It was nice out, not too hot and not too cold. "What do you think?" She asked, looking at me. "It's perfect out here, it's really nice." I said, looking around. Lyndy nodded, yawning. "Tired?" I asked. She shrugged. "A little. I'm fine though, just stayed up late last night." She said quietly, kicking star into a trot. Star nickered. Once I had got Cappuccino to trot, we were making ground fast. The trees grew denser, making us weave more and more. "Weren't we on a trail a few minutes ago?" I asked, ducking as a tree branch hung low. She nodded, looking around. "We must have followed the wrong path." She said, confused. She shook her head, her hand going to her nose. As the path was too narrow for us to walk side by side, I was behind her. "You okay?" I asked as she grew quiet. "Y-yeah, I'm okay." She said, her voice shaking. She wasn't okay. "Lyndy, talk to me." I said, growing worried. She looked back as far as she could, smiling. "Wilson, I promise I'm okay. I'm just confused as to how I went so wrong. I never mess up on trail rides. I went that way a thousand times with Nat." She said, her eyebrows pinching together. I shrugged. "You just made a mistake, I guess. It happens to everyone." I shrugged. The bushes were making noise as the breeze blew them now. Lyndy nodded. "I guess." Just as she said it, something shot across the narrow path, making Star rear. Lyndy held on, staying mounted. I let out a sigh of relief as she did, but that relief quickly died as Star took off. "Lyndy!" I called after her. I kicked Cappuccino into a canter, then gallop. I wasn't too far behind them, but it was hard to keep eyes on them when the tree branches hung so low. I raced after her, making up ground. Star had starting kicking out now, not much but Lyndy was struggling to stay on. I knew how this ended, no matter what I did, she was going to fall off. Lyndy wasn't screaming, or shouting, just hanging on as hard as she could. I could see a turn in the path a few metres ahead of where Lyndy was, so I slowed off. I was afraid of running her over with Cappuccino if I got too close. As I predicted, when Star took the turn sharply, Lyndy fell. I slowed Cappuccino to a stop, jumping off him and racing over to Lyndy. "Oh my God, Lyndy! Are you okay?" I said as I dropped to my knees beside her. She nodded, stretching her shoulders. "I'm fine, I'm okay." She said, wiping the dust from her jeans. "GG's gonna be so mad at me." She moaned, dropping her head. I laughed quietly. "I'm sure he'll be more concerned about if you're ok." I said. She shook her head. "He won't let me out for a few hours, he'll want to make sure I'm okay. I have an appointment that I can not miss." She said, wiping at her eyes. I stood up, holding out my hand. She took it, heaving herself up. She was fine, until she put weight on her other foot, then she grabbed onto my arm for support. "That stings, God." She hissed. I looked around. We were too far in for me to leave her here and go get help. I thought for a moment, before having an idea. I bent down, scooping her up in my arms. "Wil- What are you doing?" She asked, slightly flustered. I shrugged. "You can't walk, so I'll help you up onto Cappuccino and lead him back to Heartland." She blushed as I helped her up onto Cappuccino's back. "What about Star?" She said quickly. I hadn't thought about that. Lyndy scooted back, off the saddle, before patted it. I looked up at her, confused. "Come on. You get on and ride, I'll hold on." She said, patting the saddle again. I mounted, careful not to hit her as I swung my leg over. She slid her hands around me, hold on loosely. I laughed. "You know you'll fall off holding me like that, right?" I joked. She blushed and nodded, squeezing tighter.

Lyndy's POV:

"Star! Here girl!" I called, clicking my tongue. I only had forty minutes until I had to leave for the appointment. "Why don't we come back tomorrow?" Wilson asks, pulling Capp to a stop. I shake my head. I wasn't coming out here again, especially not if I got bad news today. "No, I want to focus on Ash tomorrow. The quicker we start the better." I said, half lying. Wilson nodded, kicking Capp on again. I was glancing around, squinting to see if it would help. Wilson was clicking his tongue too, and whistling. I heard a nicker, then saw Star drinking from a nearby river. I let out a sigh of relief and dismounted Capp, limping, and wincing, over to Star. The further I walked, the less the pain became. Maybe I just needed to walk it off. I walked up slowly, clicking my tongue. After a few minutes, I was able to mount her. I kicked her on, reaching Wilson's side. "You good?" He asked. I nodded, smiling as we walked back to Heartland.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"I never did ask." Wilson said, breaking the quiet between us. "How did you get into helping horses?" I thought for a minute. "Well, I had been around them my whole life. I was riding by three years old. Then Mom died and Ty left, and nobody was really into horses anymore. Obviously we all still cared for them, feed and watered and groomed. When I was seven, I rode Spartan without any permission. I did some small jumps since he was arthritic and old. Lisa caught me, but didn't object. Then GG saw, and he was over the moon. I reminded him of Mom, he said. Then Capp came into my life and I started competing and then I was giving riding lessons. Now I'm helping problem horses. I read my Grandma's journal for healing and stuff, and my mom's for problem horses." I said, finishing right as we found the trail home. "Do you know the way back?" I asked him. He nodded, creasing his eyebrows. "Wanna race?" I said, grinning. He smirked at me, kicking Capp on already. I kicked Star on, clicking my tongue. Star had been a race horse, so I knew she was fast. I passed Wilson with no trouble. I cantered, instead of galloping. After a few short minutes, I was dismounting Star, laughing as Wilson came up beside me. "Cheater! She's a race horse!" He joked. I shrugged. "Don't hate the player, hate the game!" I teased, untacking Star and giving her some water. Georgie came jogging down the loft stairs. "You ready? The doctor is expecting us in fifteen." She said, rushing over to her car. I closed Star's stall and pulled Capp's tack off, leaving Wilson to get him a drink. "Sorry, I lost track of time, now I'm in a rush. I'll see you tomorrow?" I call, walking backwards. "I'll be over tomorrow." He smiled, waving me off as I ran over to the car. I watched him through the window as we drove off, leaving him behind.

Author's Note:

This took me ages to write! The next chapter is big, so I'm excited to write that one! I'd love to hear your thoughts on the story so far, whether you're enjoying it or not. Thanks everyone for reading!

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