Love, Unscripted

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A/N so guys, this is our first story on Wattpad, and we're kinda just posting this as a trial run to see how people react to it. This is our ORIGINAL WORK, any relation to any person, book, movie, blah blah blah is entirely coincedential. Please read, and see what you think! :) 

I'm pretty sure Shakespeare was wrong when he wrote Romeo and Juliet. You can't put a script on love - I learned that the hard way.

Chapter One

       I heard Roz before I was even fully conscious. And it was the sudden impact of a body slamming into mine while I was still in a fetal position that really woke me up with a combination of a groan/screech/dying walrus noise.

          “Rise and shine slut, it’s the first day of hell!” she shouted as she rocked my bed back and forth while beating me with a pillow. “Get up bitch, you have to drive me!” I proceeded to push her off the bed with my feet and curl back up under the warmth of my blankets.

          Um, bad idea.

          Right when I thought the nightmare was over, and I could go back to sleep in peace, cold, clammy hands grabbed my feet and began to drag me off the bed like the freaking demon from Paranormal Activity. I tried to fight it, but to no avail. Even though my best friend was little, she was about 10 times stronger than me, and no one screwed with her.

       Anyway, I hit the floor with a thump with Roz screaming profanities and loving insults the whole time. Under normal circumstances, I would have been fighting right back at her, but I don’t function well before 8 am, thank you very much.

          Finally, I was fully conscious, and I yanked the pillow Roz was about to whack me with out of her hands and nailed her in the stomach with it. “I’M UP!”

          “Well it’s about time,” she said calmly, completely transforming from Satan to angel while smoothing down her hair. I rolled my eyes, and got up off the floor to go take a shower.

          “You can get on Tumblr,” I said over my shoulder, since I knew that she was already reaching for the laptop perched on my bedside table.

          “No Frey, I’m getting on porn,” she retorted over the familiar noise of the computer starting up.

          “You better not!”

          “You bet I am!”

          A sly grin spread across my face against my will as I closed the door to the bathroom, and turned on the water. Fifteen minutes later, much to my despair, I climbed out of the shower into the practically sub-zero temperatures of the bathroom. Ten minutes after that, my hair was drying and I’d put on the Outfit of the Day – a dark blue tank top, a denim vest, a flowery skirt, and a plain bronze chain with my house key hanging on it.

          I went back out into my bedroom to make sure Roz was still alive. She was laughing her ass off about some cat picture, so I assumed she was alright. I grabbed my glasses off the bedside table and headed back to the bathroom to finish up.

          Finally, with my curly hair completely dry and loaded with hair gel to keep it from going all Medusa on me by the end of the day, I walked back into my room and nudged Roz in the back with my foot.

“C’mon whore, the FreyTrain is leaving, move it or your happy ass is walking to school!” She let out an overly-exaggerated sigh, shut my laptop, and pushed herself off the floor to stand beside me.

“Did your dad make us breakfast?” she asked as we headed down the stairs.

“Nah, he had to go to work early this morning,” I replied. “And besides, since when is it my dad’s job to feed your fat ass?”

“Since I grew the balls to be seen around you in public.”

“…Fair enough.”

After we found a box of chocolate chip granola bars and enough 5-Hour Energies to kill a cat, we piled into the love of my life – my 1982, cherry red, slightly-beat-up Volkswagen Beetle. Yeah, it could only go about 60 miles per hour effectively, yeah, the upholstery in the backseat smelled vaguely of urine and pot smoke, and sure, the seatbelts weren’t exactly considered “safe”, but hey, it got me around and it was better than what Roz had, so you can suck my dick.

Finally, after performing a concert along with the radio on the way to school, we pulled into Hell’s own parking lot. I even had a reserved space. We stepped out onto the pavement, the warm September sun hitting our shoulders. It wasn’t too hot, the sky was a beautiful clear blue, the birds were singing, and there was the lovely sound of a couple making out pressed against their car in the space beside us.

Roz made a noise in the back of her throat as we awkwardly walked away. “Just keep your pants on please.” I was surprised the guy could take his hand off her butt long enough to flip us off, but I gave him an A for effort.

          We walked across the parking lot and up the stairs to the front doors, earning curious and nervous glances from the freshies. I couldn’t help but feel the radiating pride of the fact that I was finally an upperclassman spread through my body, causing me to smile.

          “That’s right, bow to your queen peasants,” Roz smirked as we passed the younger kids.

          “Technically Roz, we can’t say that until we’re seniors.”

          “Don’t ruin the moment Frey.”

          We stopped by the table in front of the front office labeled JUNIORS to pick up our class schedules. Roz and I had 3 classes together plus homeroom, but our lockers were on complete opposite ends of the school for whatever reason.

          “I’m gonna go find my locker, I’ll see you in homeroom,” she said, and we parted ways. I had my nose buried into my schedule as I walked in the direction of my locker when a sudden gargantuan force slammed into my shoulder, knocking me off balance. I crashed to the floor with an oof, and my glasses skittered across the tile –

–       and landed right underneath someone’s foot.

I cringed as the deliberate crunch of breaking glass and plastic echoed under the shoe, ringing through the almost empty hallway and piercing into my soul. I looked up in disgust at the fiends standing above me guffawing. I could barely make out the mess of dirty blonde hair and a smirk from the person connected to the foot, and I realized that all the boys were wearing matching varsity jackets.

Football players.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” said the blonde one in mock apology, the blur that was his body reaching down to pick up my precious frames from underneath his sole. “Did I do that?” This signaled even louder laughter from his henchmen. I snatched the glasses out of his hand and thrust them into my skirt pocket, my face burning.

“Have a nice day, nerd,” Douche-Bag drawled, his voice hardening while I scrambled for my dropped supplies. He and the others made no secret of kicking some of my notebooks and papers toward the walls, just out of my reach as they brushed by. I sat up, watching the figures moving away from me, seething. I looked down at my mutilated glasses after I’d lost sight of the idiots, and sighed.

This was gonna be a long year.

Thanks for reading everybody, if you enjoyed it please like, comment, and rate, and we'll see if we'll post the next chapter!

live long, love hard, & write what you feel     

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2013 ⏰

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