Superior Foes P.1

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Opera music echoed throughout the damp lab. He hadn't seen the sunlight in over a week, as his progression with the experiment kept him from sparing a second to relax. By now, the homebred clone had been fully developed into a near-perfect copy of Taeko, except for a few imperfections. The clone had developed white hair instead of black, brown pupils, and the most displeasing of all was consciousness. Originally, Ohta just wanted a recreation of Taeko's body in order to transfer his mind in and take over, unfortunately, the clone was becoming more and more of his own person.

"This shouldn't be..." Ohta muttered, examining the brainwaves growing and constantly learning as the hours went by. The screen monitoring the clone's brain displayed a graph of neurons constantly firing electrical signals to propagate formations of speech patterns and memories. Since the clone was created two months ago, he only had scarce memories from the original. He was confused but didn't know what these truly meant for him.

In the back of the room stood a black and red Spider-Man costume on a nightstand. Silver lenses and gauntlets glimmered in the room and caught the eye of the clone within the tube. Ohta noticed this and began to grin, pointing at it to taunt the creation.

"That is meant for me." Ohta stated, beaming brightly at his craftsmanship with the costume. "Once I've rid your brain of empty consciousness I will replace your insufferable counterpart. So that I, Ohta Octavious will become an even better Taeko Bi-Han... a superior Spider-man."

Through the thick layer of the glass, the clone could barely make out the words from the crazed scientist. Before he could think more about what little he heard, the sight of a small television running in the background stole his short attention toward the screen. His eyes were mesmerized by the battle taking place in broad daylight, not only for the new faces and environment but for a world he knew he could never be a part of.

Dreams of a life still to unfold; and yet, paradoxically already lived. Faces, places, emotions, and events. They were a collage of sounds and images, drifting everywhere. He wanted to reach out and understand them, but each time the wave of understanding recedes into darkness. Each time, he was alone again. How fast the clone grew in half a year, weaving the web of self. there was no time in this dark world he inhabits, yet he seems to somehow move forward with unbelievable speed.

"Ah... heroics... watch well vessel, he the man we will overcome," Ohta called. He finally took a break and sat down on a rusty chair and took a minute to close his eyes. He opened heavy lids to observe a dynamic sight of the man he despised most in life, but his fatigue was prevailing enough to keep his enraged emotions contained to trembly hands. Ohta was a man of super devotion and tasks set in his mind were not easily forgotten about, especially when it came to besting those who wronged him in the past.

Crinkly fingers rubbed against each other while he began to drift away in his slouched position. His chin brushed against his wrist to examine the scruffy beard he declined to take care of since he believed his time in this body was coming to a close.


"Dodge dodge dodge!"

Rumi Usagiyama shouted, grabbing onto two civilians and leaping out of incoming flames that quickly melted the afflicted sidewalk. Once she got clear of the ignited asphalt, a wall of flames dispersed to reveal a massive dragon-like villain wreaking havoc across the lovely city. The monster towered above normal humans and scaled a little higher than the nearby buildings next to them. Sharp blades protruded out of its armored body, leading all the way up to its reptilian-esc face.

The monster snarled as it raised one arm high into the air, ready to bring it down and crush them. The sudden force of pressure built up and pushed the two onto the ground and slid across the concrete. Scraps and small bruises started to build up around their arms and legs and the monster still held up its aggression.

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