Flashback (1yr) - Part 1

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Player was bored, really bored. He had just completed all of his schoolwork for the day, and was absolutely craving some entertainment. Carmen, Ivy and Zack were all asleep, he had no netflix shows to finish and his eyes were numb from staring at his screen for 5 hours straight. He stood up and walked slowly to the kitchen, still feeling light-headed, he gripped the stair banister on the way down. 

As his mind slowly began to reset, he reached the kitchen, swinging open the fridge door. Player blankly stared at the insides of the fridge, piled with energy drinks, bread, and leftovers. He grabbed a coke, two slices of bread, and an oversized vat of nutella. He placed his goods beside the chopping board on the kitchen counter and popped the bread into the toaster, turning the dial to the highest setting. After spreading a massive glob of the chocolate sauce over the burnt toast, Player retreated to his room.


He neatly set his food on the desk, next to his V.I.L.E hard drive, before collapsing into his chair, swinging it around to face his main PC screen. He twiddled his fingers for a second, thinking of what he should do. Finally, he decided to google 'things to do when you're bored' out of desperation, massaging his temples to help relieve the blue-light induced headache.

The results were nothing short of dissapointing:

'Online shop' - "Boring,"

'Learn a new language' - "Too much effort,"

'Try out new hairstyles' - "Seriously?"

Player groaned to himself as he continued to scroll down the wall of white text, none of these were appealing to him in the slightest.


He flopped defeated onto his bed, his face nestled in the blues and greys of his pillow. He lay like that for a while, until his phone began to screech the default ringtone. He had always hated it, but never gotten around to changing it. Apart from Carmen, nobody ever called him, and she only really called him on his PC. He grabbed his phone, confused. Was Carmen in trouble? Had he locked his parents out again? No and no. It was an unknown number. Player sat up with his phone in hand, clearning his throat he pressed the green 'accept call' button.

"Um, hello?" Player mumbled.

"A hello? Seriously! That's all I get? Not a simple 'I'm sorry that I wronged you Sloane(A/N - this is a random name only used for this call),' or 'I'm sorry that I was such a DICK?' You're pathetic!" the unknown caller screamed.

"..Who are you?" Player groaned, his headache amplifying.

"You've actually already forgotten about me? ME? You meant everything to me and you can't even be bothered to remember my damn name. What others Sloanes have you strung along? I hope you get everything that's coming for you!"

Player sat there, listening with his forehead rested on his palm, unsure if this was a prank call or a wrong number. So he decided to do the only sensible thing to him, play along.

"And you called me for what? An apology? I should be the one getting an apology after having to put up with you for months," He smugly responded to the caller.

"I always knew that you were shallow, I just never expected you to be so evil too. Don't you remember when you told me that you loved me? You swore it. How many other promises have you made that were temporary?" The voice cried, breaking, as if in tears.

"I can't believe how gullible you are," Player smirked, getting into it now.

"How could someone do this to a person? You're a monster."

Player X Fem Reader [Carmen Sandiego]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon