Hogwarts: School of witchcraft and misery

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PLEASE READ END NOTES + before you go and say anything 1: fuck jkr, 2: This has Regulus as transgender (ftm) so you can disrespectfully fuck off if you have any problems with that, 3: i will NOT be deadnaming Regulus in this fic and his dead name will be reffered to in hashtags unless it is in Sirius' pov for the first few chapters as Sirius at the time does not know Regulus is trans. TRANSLATIONS AT END

TW: indicated self harm

The train to Hogwarts was quiet. It always had been for Regulus. He'd always get on the train as soon as it arrived. That's at least an hour before people usually get on. Then Regulus walked down the aisle and found his usual compartment and sat down.

His suitcase was light. Regulus never brought much to school. Hogwarts always had enough already. He was only taking his essentials with him, and things they didn't want his mother or Father to find out about.

Regulus sat down beside the compartment window. It was raining and very cloudy outside. Regulus opened his bag and pulled out his earphones and a book of his. He flicked to the page he stopped at and began reading.


Two voices began yelling from the other side of the train.

Great, of course they choose to be early, Regulus was just getting to the middle of his book and now that these two have come on the train there no way he'll be able to concentrate, now that those two aren't going to shut up. Regulus closed his book and sighed as he watched the two boys walk into their carriage. Potter and Sirius, obviously. Regulus got up to close the curtains. He doesn't need to be tormented by his brother any longer.

Two missed calls from: Maman

(indicated self harm in this paragraph)

Great, now regulus has to call her. Can't he get just one moment of peace? Regulus' finger hovers over the call button. What if he didn't? Just this once, he didn't call her back. What would she do then? There's nothing she could do that she hasn't already. The scars on his wrists prove it, don't they? They prove what he's been through. Narcissa says that they show how he's gone through it all and survived it.

And Regulus is okay now, he hasn't done it in a while. He doesn't need to call her.

But what if he doesn't and she gets upset. She could do something. She could do a lot. He's already on thin ice. He must call her, just to be safe. Just this once. Regulus unlocks his phone and calls his mother.


"Oui Maman?"

"Why didn't you call me back sooner?"

"Je suis désolé, Maman, I didn't have my phone."

"Not an excuse, that is not good enough ######."

Regulus' heart sank. "Qui, Maman, I'll do better next time."

"Good, I'll call you soon, Mon amour. Remember to take your meds, Oui? We do not need another situation, especially now that you are back at Hogwarts."

"Oui Maman."

"Bein, I will see you at Christmas?"

"Oui, see you soon Maman."

"Au revoir."

"I love yo-" the line disconnected. Regulus took his phone away from his ear and turned it off. His mothers words replaying in his mind over, over, over.

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