In need of a title( p.s she ahas an reactor too!)

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Ashley walks into her apartment and flops on the couch. She just got off of the training excersise of Mark 09!
Yeah, it is a armored suit with high tec and granades and stuff, so what right? No! The great and powerful Tony
Stark made one right before mune was finished! Anyway, my suit is named,Rescue it is purple and white. I also have one just like Iron mans except girl version named Mark 01! She has a blue one also, and one that looks like a space suit!
She aslo made a system similar to J.A.R.V.I.S. His name is A.R.I.S or Aris ( Ares ) A.R.I.S stands for , A random Intelligenes System. Mark 09 was a proto-type, meaning she was making a new underwater suit. The other proto-types all leaked or broke underwater. She always gotten soaked when this happens. This time she got out just before the suit broke. She turned on the T.V and flicked threw the channel before stopping on Tonys press-confrence. " As I said before, all the damage the Avengers created will be cleaned up in time for you to get you lives back on track." Tony stated.

" yeah right Tony, your Avengers team just destroyed half of New York, trying to take down Doom!" Ashley yelled at the T.V. Then she got an idea, what if she hacked into S.H.E.I.L.D and track Doom down? Hen she would lock Doom up in a titanium cell, which she also built. " Aris?" She asked aloud. " Yes, Ms. Stark"  She hated her last name! It reminded her of Tony, she doesnt even know how she got the same last name, but it was built into Aris data-base so no changing that! " Get me into S.H.E.I.L.D." she said as a key board and screen pop in  mid-air.( kinda like what Tony uses but way more advance) She started typing all the passwords she could think the Avengers use. She finally got in with Captain America's password. You could tell he was from way back in the day because his pass word was 'PASSWORD'.

"Great! Now to download their files on Doom." She presses a red button and the computer startes downloading
the files. * BEEP BEEP BEEP* the computer startes screaming, "Oh,no! Aris stop S.H.E.I.L.D from tracking me, NOW!!" She yells as she starts trying to download the file faster. "Ms. Stark i cannot stop the tracker." Aris states. Ashley could feel her Arc Reactor heat up like it does when she is scared. " Aris, put the house in lock-down mode!" She grabs the hard drive with the files on it. She then gets into Rescue and goes in stealth mode aka she is invisibal! She hears banging on the hard metal that now covers her house window as part of the lockdown system. It burts open after Iron man blasts it. "Who would try to hack S.H.E.I.L.D in this place?" Tony askes.

"I dont know, but they got the files on Doom." Captain said. Just then Ashley's two cats, Trick and Treat, came and rubbed against Hawkeye's leg.

Ashleys pov

He jumped up and got ready to shoot Trick, but i jumped out and deflected the arrow. They stood there scared, Wait! I forgot i was in stealth mode. I turned off stealth mode and they jumped back. "Who are you and why did you download the files on Doom?" Captain America asked walking foward. " Forget that! How did you make that suit!" Tony walks towards me cheking me out. "I will let Aris explain." I say as my face plate lifts up. They look surprised to see a girl in the suit. "My suit that i am in is called Rescue.My other ones...." i was cut off by Tony, " other ones and who is Aris?". "Yes , other ones. Aris please bring out Mark 09, Blue, and  Mark 01." They looed at me crazy because i guess they thought i was talking to myself when they nearly  pooped themselves as soon as they heard Aris." Comeing right away, anything else?" He askes."yes please turn off lock down drill and tell the Avengers here my becoming." "Yes, Ms.-" " NO! Dont say my last name. Just the first." "Yes, Ms. Ashley."

How was that?

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