psychopaths try to be normal functional peoples but fail miserable

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As any story this started of in the morning novo lazily got up from his bed and rub his eyes before realizing he slept with his glasses on and looked around confused before turning his eyes to Christopher who was deep asleep and didn't look like he was going to walk up soon 'ah shit, did I fall asleep on the couch again' he guessed which was correct 'poor Christopher' he sympathised knowing that his the poor twig had to carry him
He got up walked to the bath room and removing the mask, thankfully the mirror was shattered and half of it was thrown by the twisler right after washing his face he sighed and lowed his head before trying to look at his scars from some of the spared pieces of shatter mirror, he could only wish it would recover faster or just go away.
Novo thought the scar aligning his jaw was imperfect even thought the white and perfect teeth was his pride he wished that maybe, just maybe the scar would go away for good. Turning around chrispy was still sleeping walking out he grabbed a surgical mask from the cabinet and put it on and went to the pale twink
"Christopher..chris" novo shaked him gently as a attempt to wake him up "Chris..." yet Christopher just covered his face with his arm "..."

"OI TWISLER WAKE UP" novo threw chris arm or his face and shook him intensely "WAKE.UPPP" waiting for the other to wake up novo stood there just hoping that the moron he has to deal with would wake up
But to his dismay, not a single word the dentist looked at his lover with concern and worry
'How can anyone sleep so long...?'
Chris shook a bit novo knew he was never waking up "chris...dear" novo said in more serious voice to which  chris just dragged his arm and put it on novo's head "wha-" novo tried to figure out before chris began patting novo's head like a alarm
"I...chris I am not a alarm, please wake up-" Christopher turned his back at novo cuddling novo's pillow, novo found it cute but chris had to go to his job too. Chris murmured abit "Christopher pierre." Novo have a last warning "mommm 5 minutes more" chris said in his sleep catching novo off guard, the poor dentist who was already running late screamed "I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER PIERRE"
"AH- SHIT-" Chris got up in a jolt "MOM DON'T DISOWN ME-" the crunchy twig said before stopping mid way on his sentence and looked at his poor boyfriend you looked back just as concerned.
There was a long silence between them
"You heard nothing"
"I heard nothing..."
Both said at the same time, "what time even Is it?!" Chris complained "its 6:43" novo said while picking up his bag "we both are late. Get dress and head out" novo said in his usual monotone voice to which Chris grumbled "jeez fineee" the monochromatic said getting ready.

'Novo was already out for his work probably reached his job' chris thought, he always loved how much proper his boyfriend was he reached his job on time always and every so getting late by minutes.
The adults  thought novo was odd but liked his silence and how he got the job done quickly, even tho he was harsh, they liked now novo didn't try to start conversations and usually get to the point. In pierre's thought 'they should be grateful for having such a tall,quite amazing purple haired dentist work for them'. Kids on the other hand were detrimently afraid of novo, his insane eyes and dark circles just screamed "evil" in a kids perspective and how he never talks, even if he does his voice has a soulless monotone and his words are often seen as harsh. Chris rolled his eyes ' tsk, kids are so ungrateful' he thought as he tied his bow and got ready
Walking out and ready for his job.

Christopher worked in the fields of the cafe industry. He owned a big cafe for where they also served sweets...which cakey said would be a good idea...chris too agreed it was a great idea. His shop was a quite popular tho it was dull and colourless making both the cafe popular and pain too the eyes
Many people visited the cafe because it was a quite and elegant place where they can concentrate most poeple usually approach it because of its "aesthetic" and the coffee which were light and not too heavy on the tastebuds. Needless to say chris cafe was it's own attraction. He usually swing by to see how everyones working. People would him charming and enjoyed talking to him.

gay assholes ( Christopher pierre x novocaine ) [Cursed Ship Fic What am I Doin]Where stories live. Discover now