"Well that a lie I got call from Shelia earlier."

"You're on first name basis with Bonnie's gran." Jeremy asks perplexed

I shrug. "She's a Bennett witch, my family and theirs has been close since the beginning." I wave it off as nothing. "Anway, Bonnie is having problems with her magic, Shelia called me about it. All that crap with her being possessed by her ancestor really messed her up."

"Is she going to be alright." Jenna asks.

"It's more of a metal block, she'll be fine."

"So where is Elena?" Jeremy asks.

"I have no idea. She hung up on me."

"She'll be with one of the Salvatore brothers." Anna says, "No offence Jenna, but that girl has no sense.

[A few hours later]

Anna and Jeremy had managed to talk Jenna into watching a film, while she waited for Elena to get home. She was barley through the door when Jenna started to yell about her behaviour and lies. But Elena shouted back accusing Jenna of lying to her. Before fleeing to the stairs.

Anna and Jeremy stay silent watching the argument unfold.

"Don't do that. Don't turn this back on me, I didn't do anything." Jenna shouts following her up the stairs.

"Okay, Question; am I adopted?"

Jeremy makes a choked noise from the couch, Anna patting him gentle on the back. Both completely shocked when Jenna admits that Elena is adopted. The girl rushes upstairs slamming her door shut behind her. Jenna does not return to the living room; they hear her door closing soon after.

[The next day]


Jeremy runs up to Anna in the middle of the corridor, picking her up spinning her around with a whoop.

Laughing as he puts her down kissing her right there in the middle of the hall. Oblivious to the people staring.

"What's gotten into you?" She asks.

"Look at this." He brandishes a paper in front of her. He smacks it "What does that say?" He asks with a smile.

"You got an A." with a smile she kisses his check. "You earned it, Jer; you worked really hard on that paper."

"You know what else I earned with this, lunch at the grill. Let's go." He grabs her hand pulling her from the building on the courtyard.


"Quick, let's go the other way she might not have seen us." Jeremy jokes tugging her in the other direction.

"Jeremy Gilbert, I can hear you." Caroline shouts, hands on hips.

"Who me, what?" She swats at his shoulder.

Caroline ignores Jeremy, choosing instead to show of the 'friendship' necklace Elena had just given her.

"Vervain?" Anna asks, looking it over.

"Looks that way, yeah."

"Idiot. Jeremy your sister is an idiot."

"She also interrogated me on my friendship with Matt, and then brushed it off with well I'm with Stephen and he needs to move on anyway. Seriously what the fuck."

{Mystic Grill}

Jeremy and Anna are playing pool, killing time before the dance.

"I can't believe you have punch duty." Anna laughs at him. Sighing when she hears her phone ringing again. Putting it on silent she goes back to the game.

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