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I'm backkkkkkk

Good morning, I have today to hang with Harry then we are leaving to go back home

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Good morning, I have today to hang with Harry then we are leaving to go back home. Very sad. But I'll see him soon again at another show.

For a few hours, Harry and I sat outside on the couches at the hotel. My sisters and mom already planned on going shopping today. I wasn't aware of this till they told me to find something to do right after breakfast.

Not going to lie Philadelphia is fucking boring. Harry really tried hard to find something remotely entertaining for us. Everyone here is some sort of old-ass American thing. How is a bell cool?

But Harry did see an aquarium, I've never been to one so that's what we landed on.

"You are joking right?" Harry said seriously.

"No, I just-" I tried to plead my case. It's not my fault there is only one aquarium that I know of in Cleveland.

"Stop you and I are going" he stood up they dragged me with him.

At the front doors, the valet guy quickly ran to get Harry's car. In just a few minutes the big car barrels around the corner.

"Thank you mate," he says going up to the car.

You know when you hang out with just you and your siblings, no parents? So they can do and say whatever they want. That's what this feels like. He's turning more and more from a big celeb to my older brother I never had.

Harry rolled all the windows down and turned his music up before speeding out. The weather wasn't horrible today. The sun was out but not sweltering hot. A perfect in the middle.

"So you've never been to an aquarium?" he said breaking the silence between us.

Harry reached to turn the music down as I started to talk, "No not everyone has been to one"

"I mean yes, but I'm still going to judge. Have you gone to a Zoo or should we go to one of those too?" He asked.

"Of course I have been, it's just my mom isn't one of those people who liked doing that stuff"

"What stuff?"

"Like going to museums or taking walks in the park, simple things like that"

"I'm sorry, I don't understand why she wouldn't like that"

"Same, I mean I love her to death but she has her moments where I'm just confused about why she's like that. Like this had been the most I've traveled"

"You better still want to be friends with me for the next few years so you can follow me around the world a see all of it"

"Don't worry I'm never leaving, I would just feel sorry leaving my family at home because I know they wouldn't want to come with me"

"You don't have to be sorry at one point you are going to leave and grow up, everyone does it. I did it"

I smile at Harry, he doesn't know it's fake. I just wanted to end the conversation. I do love my mom and it hurts talking bad about her. She is my mother and loves me but everything said was just reality, it's just hard to say it. When she isn't the cool mom self and is being a self bitch it makes me feel like I'm dying or something.

"Sorry," I heard Harry peep out next to me. He turns the music back to the original volume as we continue down the road.

It wasn't too long till we pull up to a large building with large silver fish across the sign. A dome sits in the middle on top and the rest of the building is a light baby blue. A parking space was open at the front so we pulled in. Harry and I grab our bags and get out of the car.

We waited our turn in line to buy tickets to get in. A  group of younger kids had also been there at the same time. It's weird thinking I was once that age and little.

Harry paid for the tickets and an older woman pointed us in the direction of the tanks. The prints of fish on the floor were the path we followed for a while. The place was quiet, people would quietly murmur now and then. We stood and watched the jellyfish for a hot minute.

"Would you judge me if I said I really like fish?" Harry asked breaking the silence.

I looked up at him and am honestly confused why I would judge him for that. "No?"

"Like I've always wanted to be an animated fish, you know"

"I'm judging you for that, out of everything you want to be an animated fish," I say sarcastically.

"One that sings too" he added.

I don't even know what to say back I just give him a side eye.

"It's not that weird" he laughs.

The tunnel is next, I've seen it in movies and photos before but never thought I would actually see one.

A squiggly tunnel in the next area that has glass walls and ceiling fully immersing us in the aquarium. There's bright decorations throughout the tank that small fish swim around. A few groups of a little bit large fish slowly go over us that has me in ah. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look over to see Harry all smiley looking at me while point at something. A giant ass shark swims next to us. I barely hold in my excitement as I speed over to the glass to get a better look.

We stayed in the tunnel for a while sitting on the beaches watching the sea life. We barely talked but is was still nice having him there. He matched my excitement when something swam by.

Throughout the rest of the building many more tanks were full of both large and small fish. In the middle on the building we were able to touch some animals like a starfish and stingrays.

"I loved that so much, I love aquariums" I squeal to Harry making him smile.

"We will add that to our things, sunrises and aquariums" Harry said back.

I love that he brought us here. I really am missing out on a ton of things.

Thanks Harry!!!

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