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Quick question what are your thoughts on a Harry Styles or Niall Horan fic like during One Direction?


Two days ago I got 'married' to Harry Styles at his concert.

One day ago I became friends with Harry.

I was now on a plane back to Ohio.

Everything happened so quickly that I still don't believe it. I mean Harry literally asked me to basically work for him. Like hello? No way that's real.

Both my TikTok and Instagram blew up. Tons of people began to follow me and like all my posts.

Harry followed me on Instagram and texted me.

"Hope your flight home is safe, and we get to see each other again soon!"

I responded but was still in disbelief Harry was actually texting me.

The flight wasn't bad, I slept the whole time again. Like the last time, my sister violently woke me up.

"We are home," my mom said looking over at me.

Nope, I was home at that concert.

Looking around multiple people walked off the plane wearing Harry's merch, a cowboy hat, or a boa. I got a few stares and points. Wait, am I famous? I'm like the mini-me from Austin Powers to Harry Styles. I mean I've changed my whole style to be based around Harry.

I waited for the suitcase as my mom and sisters pulled the car around.


After the longest car ride, we made it back to the house. It was pretty late and I had school in the morning so I tried going to sleep.

But I finally went on my phone and scrolled through my dms and texts. Lots of people who weren't my friends started texting me as if we were super close asking me questions. They were all similar like "Are you going to go to more concerts?" or "Is there a way you could have me meet Harry?"

No, I'm not going to do that. Y'all are mean to me and once one good thing like this happens you are all buddy-buddy with me. Shut up.

Then onto my dms. Oddly lots of people wanted to know what he smelled like. I can't even remember. But he smelled like what I think a rich person would smell like.

Something that caught my eye was HSHQ dmed me. I open it not knowing what they would possibly want with me.

"Hello Keira! After recent events, we have an idea where you could connect with both Harry and his fans. H had said he told you about the offering, and you accepted. This is the official thing and if you would like to continue just write back to us. H will give you plane rides, hotel rooms, VIP show tickets, merch, and payment if you say yes. We will go into more detail once you reply. Take as long as you need! Much love HSHQ!💕"


I instantly screenshot it and sent that to my mom. A few minutes later she replied only saying "yeah sounds fun you should do it"



I go back to Instagram to accept their proposal.

"Hey this is Keira and I would love to continue with the offer. Thank you so much, and I'm excited to see what the future holds!!"

Sounds stupid but it gets the message that I want to do it across.

"Lovely, so your job will be advising H and connecting with fans online. We have not yet mastered that field and need some help from the younger generation, like you! Things like posting photos or videos wearing merch, mentioning him, or playing his music are all accepted. In return, we will pay you monthly and give you merch, and VIP tickets with everything needed for traveling. We also have many things planned that you are unable to tell anyone. We will send you a digital form for you to sign for that. Once you have that signed we will talk about plans."

A link is sent to me and I open and sign multiple times. Once I finish going through it I send it back filled out.

"Good! So the most recent planned thing is H will be launched a brand with skincare and nail polish, and there will also be some apparel named Pleasing. This will be happening on November 29th, before then you can not talk about this to anyone. We will hint at it on the billboards after a show and create an Instagram account. A few days before the drop you will be sent a box containing the 2 skincare products, all 4 nail polishes, and a sweatshirt. But a week later popup shops will be open in New York, California, Chicago, and now Ohio for a day selling the products. You will go to the Ohio shop in Cleveland and purchase the sweatshirt in the other color. When there take as many videos and photos as possible to post online. That is all we have fully planned at the moment. But more things will happen like Coachella, more Pleasing collections, a single, an album, and more your dates. I am so excited about everything that will happen in the future!! Thank you for agreeing, H will be very excited!"

I send back a sweet thank you to them before throwing my phone away from me.









I'm going to die.


Pretty short chapter but I have school starting again tomorrow so I'm a little stressed.

But... I'm seeing Harry in 23 days and Greta Van Fleet in 29 days!!

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