Chapter 3

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2nd POV:

The man took your hand, and you followed begrudgingly out to the dance floor.

“Ran Haitani, by the way.”

“Huh?” you looked up at him, as he smiled down at your puzzled face.

“My name? Is Ran Haitani.” he repeated, enjoying the look on your little cute face.

You hummed in acknowledgement, and looked forward again. You had made it out to the dance floor, as Ran roughly pulled you to his chest, holding your intertwined hands out. His arm slithered around your waist, as he pulled your faces closer.

You began dancing with him, as other couples made their way to the dance floor.

“Normally, when someone introduces themselves, you would do it back.” he said, his voice low so only you could hear.

“Interesting.” you said. You kept a straight face, staring him dead in the eye, seeing his smirk drop to a pouty face.

‘He looks like a kicked puppy.’ You thought.

You both glided effortlessly over the dancefloor, not noticing the eyes piercing into your back.

“You’re a pretty good dancer.” Ran said.

You looked up at him, studying his face.

“What is your end goal? What are you to gain from dancing with me?” you asked, perplexed by his possible motive.

“Do I need to have a reason to dance with a pretty lady?” he asked, bringing you closer to him, his lips inches from yours.

“If it's a pretty lady you want, why do you not dance with Kanna?” you asked, pulling slightly away.

Ran gagged.

“If I wanted to dance with a thirsty whore, I would have done so already.” he said, as you noticed the disdain in his voice.

You threw your head back, letting out a genuine laugh, enjoying the fact that not everyone likes your sister.

3rd POV:

While Y/N waswere busy laughing, Ran stared at her. He doesn't know why, but hearing her laugh, seeing her joy, made him feel nice. He couldn't describe it, he just liked it.

He liked it a lot.


2nd POV:

After you danced with Ram or whatever his name was, you were planning on heading up to your room, feet throbbing from your choice of shoes.

'Damn heels.' You thought. You always promised yourself you would never wear them again, but you always would.

'They are shiny and pretty though.' You thought, comical tears running down your face.

You walked toward the stairs, overhearing some conversation between two shady looking men.

"Yeah, they're definitely here. Look at 'em all, dressed up and shit." 

'Everyone is dressed up, detective douchebag, it's a party.' You thought.

"Apparently, the white haired one has all the money." The younger man cackled.

"You distract him with a game, I'll git his pockets. It'll be even better if ya win." They both laughed.

'How stupid do they have to be in order to announce their plans this loud? Or maybe they're just morons.' You decided on the latter as you followed both men at a distance.

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