Late Nights

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I slip out the apartment keys from my black jacket's pocket and the elevator opens at our level. I just have to walk down the hall. Then I can get some freedom for a couple of days and until I'm needed in the office at just after 10 am on Monday.

I sigh as I approach our grey door. The number 304 written on the wall beside it. I insert the one of many keys into the lock and twist it open.

I enter our apartment to be dark, with one lamp lighting up the living room. But I do see the hallway light open. I drop my bag by the table and drop the keys on the table top. Finally able to leave the weight of my work.
I turn towards the clock we have on the wall and read it.  8:30pm and it's already basically pitch black.

I try to be quiet as I approach the hall, my heels probably making too much noise for the person in the dark room. I approach the closest door and press my hand to the ajar door. I push the door open and can make out my daughters small form tucked away in her bed.

It's Peeta's job to be the stay at home parent. I find it aggravating that it is the case, but in the 5 years she has been on this earth I've grown slightly accustomed to it. I still object in some ways.

I slip through the gap and approach the small bed that holds my daughter. I bend down right beside it and stroke away blonde curls that have fallen on her face. She's got the brown hair from me and her blue eyes from Peeta. She's more of a mini Peeta than a mini me however.
I bring my lips to her forehead and let my lips linger for a few extra seconds before parting. She begins to stir and I frown. I never like waking her up but I know she does want to see me.

"Hello Kayla." I whisper when she opens her eyes and she adjusts to lie me face on.

"How are you my little jay?" I ask with a smile.

"Good." She groggily says.

"I'm sorry I woke you. I won't be long. How was school today?" I continue.

"Mrs Thurston called me up in front of all the class today and gave me star student of the week." She explains to me and I let me mouth drop open.

"Really? Well Done you! I believe we have to go celebrate tomorrow. Don't you think?" I suggest and she nods, mumbling a yeah too.

"Okay. I'll let you go to sleep baby." I kiss her nose and receive a little laugh from her. I stand up with a wider smile on my face.

"Goodnight. Love you Kayla."

"Love you too Mummy." She replies and I make my way out of her room. Closing her door but leaving it ajar, back to how it was before.

I turn around and see Peeta in the door frame of our room. "Hello." I say seductively, walking up to him and kissing him. I wrap my arms around his neck and Peeta picks me up bridal style.

I press my forehead and nose against his before he speaks up. "I can finally have to for myself." Peeta whispers and I let out a chuckle before Peeta turns around and closes our door quietly with his foot

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