Hanging Out

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"Now listen up! Tomorrow we're going to have a full preview of the show. And our audience will be none other than Miss Nana Noodleman." Buster says as everyone is backstage.

"Nana Noodleman? She's still alive?" Mike asks in surprise.

"Oh yes and believe me she's got some pretty high standards alright. So today we're gonna have a full dress rehearsal. And I want to see you light up the stage folks!" Buster says as everyone heads off to practice.


Later as ash is doing a rehearsal she soon begins crying during the song.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay enough of that. Cut it, cut it, cut it. Okay Ash um... Hey come on Ash. What is it? Do you.. do you not like the dress?" Buster asks as Ash runs off the stage.

"Ash what's wrong?" Rosita asks as she and Alexis go over to Ash.

"My boyfriend cheated on me. All because I've been doing this show which I did for us to begin with." Ash says sadly.

"Well he's a jerk. You're better off without someone like that." Alexis says.

"That total super jerk dinkle-shplat!" Gunter says.

"Exactly! Total super jerk dinkle...shplat." Rosita says.

"Rosita, Gunter you're on!" Buster shouts.

"I'll stay with her." Alexis says as she sits down with Ash.

"Okay here. There should be some gum or some candy in there somewhere. Just help yourself." Rosita says as she hands Ash her purse and leaves with Gunter.

"Look I can't even keep count of the steps!" Rosita shouts as she walks over with Gunter.

"Ugh. Counting shmounting. She sings too much with her head. Right? Yeah yeah see? Forget the steps and just like let the music take control of your body parts." Gunter says.

"My body parts are not responding, okay? It's never gonna happen. I should just be getting groceries." Rosita says as she leaves.

"Rosita no!" Ash shouts as she and the others shout for Rosita to stay.

"Don't leave!" Alexis shouts.


"Ooh! Why can't I get these cords down?" Alexis asks frustratedly as she is sitting with a guitar outside her house.

"Hey Alexis." A voice says revealing to be Johnny.

"Oh! Johnny. I didn't see you." Alexis says.

"Trouble playing the guitar?" Johnny asks.

"Yeah. I just can't get these notes down." Alexis says annoyedly.

"Maybe I can help. I used to play a guitar." Johnny says.

"You'd have to be pretty patient. Ash got aggravated trying to teach me." Alexis says as she looks at Johnny.

"Well I'm game if you are. Besides I get it. I'm still having issues with the piano." Johnny says sheepishly.

"Hmm. I'll make a deal with you. You help me with the guitar and I'll help you with the piano. Deal?" Alexis asks.

"You got a deal." Johnny says happily as Alexis smiles at him.


"You're doing a lot better now." Alexis says as she is practicing with Johnny.

"You too. So what time do you parents get home. I don't want to intrude." Johnny says.

"Oh I live alone." Alexis says bluntly.

"You do?" Johnny asks curiously.

"Yeah... My parents passed away when I was a child. I have elemental abilities. It's why they passed." Alexis says sadly.

"Elemental abilities? Okay you got me. Good one." Johnny says as he laughs slightly.

"I'm not kidding." Alexis says as she taps a nearby glass and freezes it.

"Holy cow." Johnny says in amazement.

"Yeah... I understand if you think I'm a freak." Alexis says as she looks down.

"I don't... Not unless you count being the son of a gang owner one too. My dad is in jail right now due to it." Johnny says.

"I'm sorry." Alexis says.

"Don't be. It's my own fault for not doing what he asked. I just want to sing. I don't want to be in his gang. He doesn't understand that." Johnny says sadly.

"Singing is all my mom ever wanted. She loved it. It's something that connected us. I'm doing this so I can be close to her." Alexis says.

"I'm doing this so I can at least free my dad... Even if he does stay mad at me." Johnny says sadly as Alexis gives him a sympathetic look.

"Hey. We deserve a break. How about some pizza? On me." Alexis says as she stands up from her seat.

"No, no. It's on me. You were kind enough to help and listen to me. I'll pay for it. I don't mind." Johnny says as he stands up.

"Then I'm at least buying the drinks." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Deal." Johnny says as he chuckles.

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