Chapter 4 - Good Morning, Sunshine

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The light of the following morning came lazily through the window of Beatrice's apartment. Ava could hear the singing of some birds, the life that was beginning to awaken in the city. Even the slightest, most ordinary noises of normal life were music to Ava's ears. Nobody had the vaguest idea of what she had to go through and witness in all the time she wandered through the other side of the portal.

The orange light of dawn filtering through the sheer window curtains made the apartment look like a good dream. Ava opened her eyes but didn't dare to move. Beatrice was still sleeping beside her, and Ava was enveloped in Bea's light breathing and heartbeat. She stayed there for a moment, lying on Beatrice's chest, feeling the rhythmic movement caused by her calm breathing. She moved as little as possible, so as not to wake Beatrice, and turned up her face to look at Bea. Ava couldn't believe she was with her again. She's been trying to get back for so long, knowing that time runs differently on the other side. What if when she got back she didn't find Bea anymore? She didn't even like to think about it. Ava, lying within Beatrice's embrace, felt light. And for a few minutes she remained in that state of contemplation, watching over Beatrice's sleep.

The light inside the room gradually increased and Beatrice began to wake up. She felt that first deeper breath of the morning fill her lungs and slowly opened her eyes. She was met with those beautiful, shining dark eyes of Ava's, two onyx stones that looked at her with a soft smile on her face.

"Good morning, sunshine..." Ava spoke almost in a whisper. She lifted herself up a little and placed a soft kiss on Bea's lips.

"Do we do it now?"


"Sleep together and kiss good morning."

"It seems fine to me... I really like the idea." Ava pecked Beatrice on the tip of the nose, eliciting a smile from her.

"Were you watching me sleep?"

"Yes, you were so serene, sleeping peacefully... I didn't want to wake you up."

"So, you were really watching me sleep?"

"I was."

"You weirdo."

The two looked at each other and burst out laughing. After the fit of laughter, Bea caressed Ava's face and asked:

"Did you sleep well?"

"I slept as I had not been able to sleep for a long time. Thanks to you, Bea... thank you."

"I didn't do anything, Ava. But I'm glad you were able to rest."

"You don't know the good you do me."

Beatrice smiled. She felt important to Ava, even if she hadn't done anything but sleep beside her. And the truth is that Beatrice also felt very good about sleeping next to Ava. She took a few moments caressing Ava's long hair, watching as she closed her eyes enjoying the caress. After a few moments, she decided it was time for them to go, even though she wanted with all her heart to spend the entire day like this. The sooner they reached the convent, the sooner they would know what Ava had to tell.

"Well, we'd better get up." Bea said. "The first train to Spain leaves in the morning and we don't want to be late."



"Promise we'll do it again?"


Ava, still sitting up in bed, looked at the pillows, stroked the sheets, and looked back at Beatrice.


Bea smiled and nodded.

"I will like it very much."


Beatrice still had it in her mind that she would tell Ava about her feelings as soon as she had the opportunity, but still, her stomach fluttered every time she thought of opening herself up by looking into Ava's eyes. Beatrice was extremely private since she was very young.

They boarded the train in Switzerland and would arrive in Spain later that afternoon. As controlled as she was, Beatrice couldn't stay away from her curiosity to know what really happened to Ava in that other unknown realm. But she held back and didn't ask even once. Ava said she'd tell them all together, so she'd wait.

Ava missed the sunlight on her face. Sitting next to the window, she closed her eyes and felt the sun's rays reaching her, warming her skin. And that scene also warmed Beatrice's heart. Ava was so beautiful, so sweet with her girlish air... it was really easy to fall in love with her, as Camila once said. Meanwhile, Bea was trying to work up the courage to open her heart to Ava.


"Yes?" Ava replied without opening her eyes, still bathed in sunlight.

"I really wanted to tell you something... for quite some time now."

Ava turned to Beatrice giving her her full attention. As Bea had predicted, she felt frozen and speechless when Ava looked at her. She really made Beatrice forget how to breathe.

"My God, I look like a school girl, who is at a loss for words in situations like this." Thoughts definitely didn't help Bea with the task.

She took a deep breath. Once, twice...

"It's just... Well, I... I wish I had told you a long time ago..."

And in the middle of Beatrice's rambling speech, the sound system cut her off. The train operator warned that they were arriving at their destination, that everyone should've prepare to disembark. After the notice, Ava turned back to Beatrice.

"So, you were saying..."

Bea swallowed hard. She understood that maybe that was a sign that this was not the place or time to open up, to be vulnerable. She would wait for another time, a more reserved opportunity.

"I can tell you another time. Let's get our things, Camila should already be waiting for us at the station."

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