Chapter 5 - The prank

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Today we are setting off to the [Orcus Great Dungeon] it's one of the Seven Great Dungeons. As most RPGs would have you believe, the deeper the floor, the stronger the magic beasts. Magic beasts tend to have a magic stone that acts as the core of their power, and the magic stones from the magic beasts in the Dungeon are of higher quality than the ones outside the Dungeon. Magic stones are used to improve the efficiency of magic, and power magic tools used in daily life. This makes them highly sought after despite their supposed commonness with ones from more powerful monsters being much more valuable because of them having more magic power in them.

Knight commander Meld leads us along with some knights to the small town of [Holward]. It's a town that essentially appeared because of adventurers needing a base before making the journey into the Dungeon. We stay in an inn managed by the kingdom. It's exclusive to us because of how difficult it would be to find lodging for our group if it wasn't here. We each are put in a room with a roommate with the exception of Nagumo-san because of not getting along with the others, and there were an odd number of students. I myself was roomed with Taeko Sugawara, a kind girl with a very calm aura, but is very diligent. I heard from her friends, Yuka Sonobe and Nana Miyazaki, that she is afraid of anything related to horror.

I decide to play tricks on her to ease her nerves. "Kehehe~."

*3rd POV*

Taeko comes back into the room after talking with Yuka, and Nana. They were all very nervous about the upcoming Dungeon dive, and even had thoughts of running away. She went to turn on the light, but no matter what the light wouldn't turn on.

"Hearn-san? Are you there? The light seems to be out."

She starts slowly wading through the darkness. *splash* When she takes 3 steps into the room she steps in some kind of liquid.

"C-come on, t-this isn't funny. Hearn-san?... Hearn-san?!"

She makes her way to the curtains where she can let in some light. As she pulled back the curtains and let in the moonlight, she saw a reflection that caused her breath to hitch. Her complexion pales to be white as a sheet, and she slowly turned her head. She saw the headless body of Maribel laying still on the ground with what seemed to be a pool of blood leaking from the corpse, and her severed head placed on the bed with a pale and fearful expression.


As Taeko screams at the top of her lungs, she faints and falls right down. She didn't hit the ground though. She landed in a pair of arms.

"My my, maybe I went a bit too far~?"

Luckily maribel saw through her victim's reaction, and blocked sound from passing the boundaries of the room. She then cleaned up the ketchup water that she used as fake blood and brought Taeko to bed with her. She never thought ketchup, water, and having your head put through a gap to look like you were beheaded would be so convincing. She also never knew pranking others could be so fun. To make sure she will think of the prank as a mere dream then Maribel will sleep beside her. Why they are both naked in the same bed will be up to Taeko's imagination.

"Sleep well my little strange child fufufu~."

*Taeko POV*

I wake up with a headache, and try to recall last night. I remember that after I finished talking with Yuka-chan and Nana-chan, I went to my shared room with Hearn-san. The light wouldn't come on so I opened the curtains... I remembered what I saw last night. I go to get up out of the bed in a hurry to warn everyone.


I freeze when my hand squeezed something soft, an a sensual moan echoed across the room. The moan alone caused my face to heat up. I then noticed I was naked, and someone else was in the bed with me, also naked. 'What happened? Why is Hearn-san in my bed while naked? No. How is she alive? Was it just a dream? And most importantly, WHAT'S WITH THAT MOAN?!'

"W-w-what is going on?! Hearn-san, why are we naked in bed together? What happened last night? I was sure I saw you..."

As I was asking questions Hearn San seemed to become a maiden who was asked about her first night with her lover. 'Nononono, this can't be true, this can't be true!'

"I can't believe you forgot Taeko-chan~. You were so loud last night that I had to create a sound proof barrier around the room or else I'm afraid the whole town would have been woken up."

Hearing this I'm sure my face turned scarlet red. I still don't know what happened last night, but given Hearn-san's description and attitude, I can't help but let my fantasies run wild. 'D-DID WE DO IT?! And what's this about me being too loud?!'

*knock, knock*


"Hey Taeko-chan, Hearn-san. It's time..."

Just my luck, Yuka-chan walked through the door and saw us. The moment she saw us, she stopped speaking and directly walked back out while closing the door again.

"A-ahh~, Taeko-chan seems to be busy. I'll save you guys some breakfast for when you get ready. Hahaha~"

"W-wait Yuka-chan! It's not what you think! ... I think..."

While I was trying to clear up the misunderstanding that was possibly not a misunderstanding, Hearn-san let out a "Fufufu~" while watching my failed attempts.

A/N: this is last chapter for today IDK how long it will take to continue as it's started deviating from the Arifureta's plot, but I do wanna know if you want more of the prankster Maribel.

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