Chapter Six

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Hermione's P.O.V.

I sat there staring at Harry I couldn't believe everything that had been revealed to me today. Never in a million years did I think Harry would be holding those types of feelings towards me. And for that long? How did I never notice? I become wrapped in my thoughts  questions coming into my mind left and right. What will happen now? Do I tell Ron? Why did he wait so long to tell me? 'Well he didn't tell you, this book did.' I am brought out of my thoughts when I hear a loud pop and I am met with the sight of an empty couch. Harry had apparated. I get up quickly running to the halls of Grimmauld shouting Harry's name maybe he just went to his room. I knock quietly. After no response I softly turn the knob and enter the room. I know that this is a violation of his privacy but I needed to make sure he was alright. 'Oh I am sure he is doing swell Hermione he just poured his heart out to you and you had nothing positive to say about it in fact you smacked him.' The guilt swirled inside my chest it's true in his most vulnerable moment I did the unthinkable I smacked him. Pushing my thoughts to the side for a moment I continue into the room. I am surprised that Harry had kept his old bedroom in here instead of taking the master. 

The room is empty and dark it looks as if it's a rental there is no personal touch except for a framed photo on the night stand. I make my way over to the night stand grabbing the photo from its place and taking a seat on his bed. It's a photo of Harry and I taken the muggle way at King's Cross departing for Summer Holiday. I never noticed it before but Harry can't keep his eyes off of me in the photo. 'How did I never realize how he felt?' I ask myself sadly. I continue to look at the photo and I can feel a magical essence coming from it. I take my wand out and disillusion it. The photo disappears and what is left behind leaves my mouth hanging wide open. It's a drawing of what appears to be an older version of Harry and I, but in the photo there are three children. The oldest of the bunch is a young girl that looks just like I did when I was younger. The child who appears to be the second oldest is a boy who looks just like Harry. And the youngest that's in the photo looks like she can't be any older than 3 years, looks like a younger version of both Harry and I. Below the photo I see a phrase written in what I know to be Harry's handwriting. 'The Dream that could never be.' Tears come to my eyes as I begin to look deeply into this picture. I couldn't believe that all this time Harry had felt this way and he had kept it to himself all this time. I need to speak with my parents. They have known for these two years and haven't said a thing to me. I get up keeping the drawing in my hands. With a twist I appear at the front doorstep of my childhood home, my parents don't like the sudden popping in. I look under the mat and find the spare key. I use it, putting it back I enter the home I grew up in shutting the door behind me. 

I make my way into the kitchen where I find my parents sitting at the small table having tea. They look worried which is strange my parents aren't typically ones to worry all too much. "Hermione sweetie what a surprise. What brings you by?" I smile at my father walking over and pouring myself a cup of tea preparing it just like Harry did hours ago. The thought of our conversation makes the guilt return. "Hermione dear, what's wrong you look upset." I take a deep breath and join them at the table.  Choosing to not beat around the bush I get right to what I wanted to know. "How long have you known about Harry?" My parents look at each other and I know that they are having one of their unspoken conversations. The same type of conversations that Harry and I used to be able to have.  After a moment of silence my parents look back at me. "We have known from the moment Harry told us his story before he told us the full version though. It was obvious how he felt about you with the way he spoke of protecting you, and despite being in the middle of a war he enjoyed being able to spend that amount of time with you." I wasn't surprised that my parents had figured it out by Harry's story. I myself was convinced when I read his story in the journal. "Before you ask Hermione, it wasn't our place to tell you although I tried to hint at it as much as possible. You know that your father and I are not very fond of Ronald." I shook my head it was true Ron never seemed to be able to get on my parents good side and he never seemed to put much effort or interest into it either.

 "Hermione, how did you take it when you found out?" I sighed the guilt of the earlier situation rising and I guess my face showed what I was feeling. "Hermione what happened?" I look to my parents and tears start forming in my eyes. "I hit him." I choke out before I know it my mother makes her way around the table and hugs me trying to comfort me. "Hermione dear, while I do not condone the behavior that your displayed by hitting Harry. He assured us that it was more out of fear than anything else." I pulled away from my mother's embrace. "Harry was here?" My father nodded his head. "Yes Hermione, Harry's magic apparated him here without him knowing he actually passed out. Your mother was here when it happened and she immediately got me. We rushed him up to the guest room. When he gained consciousness he told us what happened." I nodded in understanding but I only had one question on my mind right now. "Where is Harry now?"

Sorry for the extended wait and the shorter chapter I hope to get the next one out soon! 

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