sweet home and the mask

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I knocked on the door.

No answer.

Maybe they are just mad at me for not coming home early? I opened the door to see all the lights off. I felt an eerie aura surrounding the place, like something bad was going to happen. I first checked the living room to see of they were there, but no one was there. I checked the downstairs bathroom, no one was there. I checked every closet downstairs, no one was there. I checked the kitchen, no one was there. I checked the dining room, no one was there.

I decided to go upstairs and check if they are asleep. I checked the upstairs bathroom before anyones bedroom just in case, yet no one was there. I got kinda ticked off because I was confused on where they were.  I decided to go to Maria's room.

I opened the door.

I fell on my knees in horror.


Blood everywhere.

Tears starting flooding out my eyes as soon as I witnessed the ghastly, dreadful sight. I saw Maria on her bed laying down, but her mouth was silt open, and so was her neck. There weird symbol carved into her stomach, an o with x over it. My eyes became a river as soon as I noticed right above her was a sentence written her own blood, saying "Go to sleep". Maria always had trouble sleeping. I cried even more. I pulled out my purse and called 911 explaining the horror I saw. They told me they would be here soon, but it doesn't matter anymore. They are all dead, I am sure. I check David's room, same thing. I check my mom's room, same way too. I immediately ran to the bathroom, and started puking in the toilet.

I should kill myself.

My eyes widened at that woeful thought. Never in my life I thought of killing myself. I start to puke even more at the thought. I soon realized if I didn't go to the club, I would have been dead too. I wondered if it would better die with the people you love, or survive with your loved ones dead. My world turned upside in just one day. I wonder where I'm going now. Maybe I can stay with my dad? But I don't even know where he is, or even if he is alive. Maybe I could ask the police? Finally the puking stopped, but my breath now stinks. I decide it would be best for me to start to pack my stuff. I grabbed my travel backpack and started packing it.

First, I packed some clothes.(by the way, one of the outfits Lunar packed is one she is wearing in the time skip=]) I packed my wallet, tooth brush and tooth paste, snacks, deordant, perfume, my charger, a water bottle, and an umbrella  just incase.  I put my phone in my pocket, and my switch blade in my other pocket. After I'm done packing, I sit in my bed. I don't know how to feel. I feel gross, depressed, furious, and whole a lot of other things I can't describe.

Maybe I should do it.

I slowly take the switchblade out of my pocket, and putting near my wrist.


Fear is all I felt.

Maybe this will ease the pain? Maybe it will let me focus.

I put the blade against my wrist.


I did it.

But it didn't make me feel better. I just hurt myself for no real reason, which made me even more woeful.

I realized I was bleeding all over, so I quickly went to get a bandage to help it. I also put the bandaids in my backpack just incase.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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