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Janets Point Of View..
Myrtle Beach.
Monday November 3rd, 2001.
Janet: Alright class open your notes to page 4 today we're covering dna.

I said before going to my laptop pulling up the PowerPoint I made just for this unit.

Janet: Before we start can anyone tell me what dna is?

To my surprise non of my students raised their hands. This was rare in my class they knew that in this class you participate even when you don't know the answer..

Janet: I know I'm not teaching imbeciles. You all know that everyone equally participates in this class.

They all sighed before raising their hands.

Janet: Miss Johnso-

Toni: Don't mind me. Just coming to watch.

I watched her sit down in the back pulling out her computer. I can hardly focus around her out of does she expect me to teach with her eyes all on me.

Janet: Uh-Uhm back to what I was say-

??.: Dna is like what we're made up of right?

Janet: Yes exactly.

I went up to my board trying to ignore Toni's glare, but unfortunately I felt myself stuttering more than usual. I took a breath clearing my throat before re-explaining.

Janet: Dna are the molecules inside our cells that contains our genetic material. It's really cool if you think about how a small microscopic thing can play such a big role i-in making you.

??.: So like my dna is sexy because I'm sexy?

Janet: That's...not how it works. But you can think of it as you have great genes.

??.: Miss Braxton has great genes.

The class began to laugh making me smile before regrouping.

Janet: She is very pretty. Now back to what-

Toni: Your too kind Mrs. Jackson.

I cleared my throat before regrouping..again. If I get interrupted one more time I might just explode.

Janet: As I was saying. Before I was rudely interrup-

??.: Mrs. Jackson sorry to interrupt but are chromosomes and dna the same thing?

Janet: Actually that's a great question. Dna is packed into a thread like structure that we know as chromosomes. Each chromosome you have in your body is made up of DNA-

The bell rung causing my students to grab their things. Todays odds weren't on my side, it was like the universe was rushing my teaching today.

Janet: Get these worksheets before you go that's homework the PowerPoint is on one note I strongly suggest you use it!

I said yelling. I don't want any excuses for when I collect it tomorrow. The last student shut the door leaving only me and Toni in the classroom..just how I like it. I leaned against my desk motioning for her to come here. I bit the tip of my tongue before grabbing her waist.

Janet: Are you gonna bend me over this desk again.

I said whispering in her ear before nibbling on the lobe.. I hiked her dress up sliding my hands in between her thighs.. I felt her arousal drip around my fingers making me smile. I've been waiting for this all day.. I pushed her onto my desk chair before grabbing the hem of my dress rolling it above my waist before straddling her.

Janet: You know.. I've been watching you since you strutted in with this tight ass dress on. You knew exactly what you were doing.

I said before kissing along her neck.

Toni: Not here.. Let's go to my house..

Janet: I've been waiting all day really Toni..

Toni: You know it's risky here...

I sighed standing up before sliding my panties off.

Janet: Their wet. I'm not walking around in them.

She smirked grabbing my panties before fixing her dress.

Toni: I'll send you my address. Be there.

I smirked she didn't have to tell me twice. I might just beat her to her house. She left leaving me to gather my things before walking out. I walked to my car on a mission. I had one thing on my mind.. getting Toni's head in between my legs. Just as I was about to open my car door Lisa cornered me.

Janet: What can I do for you Lisa?

I asked trying to hide my aggravation. Toni walked out watching me in amusement as she got into her car pulling out. I grew frustrated as she started her same ole bullshit.

LisaRaye: I forgot to tell you how fi-

I rolled my eyes pushing her to the side before shutting my car door. I didn't have time for her games right now. The only thing I had time for was Toni. I connected to my gps before putting the address in. I grew even more frustrated as I saw it was 30 minutes away! A 30 minute drive to get some! I should've took her right then and there. I pulled out of the park honking to get Lisa to move. She refused so I rolled down my window before smiling.

Janet: I'm not opposed to hitting people with cars.

She threw her hands in the air before backing away. She shook her head as she watched me pull out not that I cared though.. I keep telling her not to fuck with me. I proceeded to the route hoping for a smooth drive. I turned up my radio doing anything to get my mind off of the ache and yearning I felt. I needed her now and there was nothing stopping me from pulling over on the side of the road and finishing myself just to ease some of the tension.

After a while of driving I pulled into the driveway of a cute cottage like townhouse. I didn't take much of my surroundings in considering I had a clear mission. I rung the doorbell tapping my foot impatiently against the porch.. If she doesn't hurry up I'll explode. Finally after what felt like forever the door flung open revealing a smiling Toni.

Toni: Sorry I-

As soon as that door opened I felt all the desire that's been balled up inside me since this morning. I didn't waist any time. I grabbed her waist walking in before placing tender kisses onto her.

Janet: You had me waiting all day plus a 30 minute drive and yet you have the audacity to open this door fully clothed.

She laughed grabbing my hand as she lead me to her bedroom. She began Describing her decor and the vibe she was going for, but I wasn't paying that any mind I already began to unbutton my clothes. I don't know why she continues to deflect from the sole purpose as to why I am here right now.

I kicked my heels to the side before sliding my dress off.

Toni: And so that- Well there goes small talk.

Janet: If that's what you call foreplay.. I'm genuinely disappointed in you.

She got this devious look as she began to take off her own clothes. Finally... We're getting somewhere.
I'll start writing the next chapter soon dawg.

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