Chapter 2 - a whole new world

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I agree with Aiko-sensei, but she either doesn't understand the dire-ness of our situation to be more than mere 'kidnapping', or is simply putting on a brave front. Even if we were in the same world, the fact that we were kidnapped with the purpose of turning us into soldiers is enough to say that they have the manpower to force us to comply with their orders. Some students couldn't help but cheer her on while calling her Ai-chan, but soon the pope spoke again.

“I understand how you’re feeling. However ...... It is impossible for you to return now.”

The whole class, and Aiko-sensei chilled at this response. They all looked at the pope with questioning gazes.

“I-impossible…… W-what did you just say? If you can summon us, you should be able to send us back!?”

Aiko-sensei stuttered in both anger and fear of what the pope said. I've already started thinking of what to do to get away from here. I already have an idea of how I can get back, but I'll have to get better at using my ability until I can manipulate boundaries like my ancestors. There was a story of one of my ancestors vanishing while practicing his abilities, so it's not out of the question that I could get good enough to traverse worlds.

"As I said earlier, it was Ehit-sama that summoned you. We humans do not have the ability to use magic that interferes with another world. Therefore, whether or not you can return is up to Ehit-sama to decide.”

“T-that is……”

Aiko-sensei becomes dejected, while the other students start a ruckus.

“No way!? We really cannot go back anymore?”

“No! Anything but this, let me return!”

“Don’t even joke about the war! What the hell!”

“Why, why, why……”

The ruckus spread for a while with the exception of a dejected Aiko-sensei, Nagumo-san, and myself. The Pope looked at the students in contempt, likely upset that we aren't thrilled to serve as that monster known as Ehit's playthings. Soon Amanogawa-san slammed the table to get everyone's attention, and spoke up.

“Everyone, it is meaningless to make so much ruckus in front of Ishtar-san. He also had no other choice…… W-what I mean is, let’s fight. It is a fact that the humans of this world are facing a crisis. Ignoring their pleas for help after knowing all this, I cannot do it. Moreover, since we were summoned here to save the mankind, we may be able to return after this is all over…… Ishtar-san, isn’t that right?”

“That’s right. Ehit-sama will definitely answer the wishes of the Saviors.”

“We all have special powers right? I’ve indeed felt an unfathomable power surging up within me since coming to this world.”

“En, that’s right. Roughly, each of you should possess powers that are several times to a few dozen times more powerful than the people of this world.”

“En, in that case, I’ll fight. I’ll save the people, and then we can all go home. Regardless of the world or everyone here, I will save them all!”

As he declared such, I couldn't help but grit my teeth in anger, and unwillingness. He wants to use our lives to play into his hero fantasy. Seeing other students become moved by his charisma, I can't help but be disgusted. *crunch-ch* I come out of my daze as I look at my hand that was gripping the table. To my surprise the table had cracks in it, and my nails have become claws. I flinch at my strange appearance, and soon my hand starts to go back to normal. I knit my brows in worry, wondering what that was.

“Ah damn, once you put it like that. It would be worrisome to let you go alone…… I’ll also fight.”


“You are not the only one here…… I can’t watch this any longer…… I’ll fight too.”


“Eh, u-um, if Shizuku is going, I’ll also try my best!”


As more and more people join Amanogawa-san in his suicide march, I hear Aiko-sensei. "Noo~" I turn to see her crying to the deaf ears of my so called classmates. It hurt to see her like this, but I can't do anything to help her. If I make my stance known there is no doubt I will not only be ostracized by the class but also put on a watch list by the pope. I can't afford either right now as I'm just a weak highschool girl with a strange ability to see boundaries. I don't know for sure but if I can gain enough strength to be able to handle some weaker magic beasts, then I can start my plan to leave. I'll also have to talk this over with Aiko-sensei to try to make a separate group that will stay out of the war. Now I just have to find out what that change in me was...

*3rd POV*

As the class finished their decision, a certain blonde haired girl narrowed her eyes as they glowed a sinister bright yellow. No one noticed aside from a maid who was eavesdropping on the prior conversation. Said maid rushed to hide herself immediately. Her heart was pounding like she was just stared at by a predator amongst predators. She didn't know why, but she had an overwhelming urge to run far away.

From human to gap yokai in ArifuretaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang