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Ethan made several strangled cries that carried no words; Karl bolted toward the trail they'd arrived from. When he raised his hand, Ethan felt no joy at the usual marvel of Heisenberg's powers; the hammer flew from its resting spot against a tree and landed in the brunette's palms. Gears spun as the signature punctuating rumble of a magnetic field passed through the blond's body-he felt it rather than heard it.

Eva was also quick; she surveyed the water and then stepped daintily into it, walking with ease toward the other blond who was now slogging toward her as if his legs were made of lead. Walking toward Eva gave him something to do, but Ethan bit the inside of his cheek to keep from screeching inhumanly. They weren't....he couldn't....what could they do?

Karl's curt head shake preceded the fall of the field. In a choked strangle, he called, "Can't sense her. She's not around."

"Eva," Ethan's vision was turning black at the edges. He feared he would pass out in the water. Eva now touched his elbows, began pulling him toward the shore. "What do we do?"

His chest heaved and he felt weak; he was going to cry, wasn't he? No. No, he wouldn't. He'd lost her before, and found her again. He might have died a few times along the way but he was prepared to do so again and again. Ethan ground his teeth as he fought the tears and stomped unsteadily out of the water. He tripped into his boots as Eva hovered near him, her pale blue eyes widening. "Not we , Ethan. You have a connection with her-"

He straightened, boots on.

"We're not, this isn't....the mold isn't here, we can't–"

"You have a connection with her," Eva said, resolute this time, her hands reaching up to land on his shoulders. She was so short this took quite a bit of reach for her, but Ethan's body sagged forward as if the words deflated his doubts.

He assumed the bond between he and Rose existed when they were within the boundaries of the mold's reach. But then he recalled the strange vision he'd had after Miranda removed Rose from the BSAA transport vehicle. He'd seen the van in the snow. The mask. Miranda's eyes. Feathers. Heard Rose's cry. He had also called Mia to him that night; when he'd said goodbye. Mia was also infected and she'd managed to transfer her wedding ring from one place to another; she had been miles away.

He could do that again, perhaps, even without being in the confines of the mold. He could try. Slowly he nodded.

Ethan's gasps for air slowed briefly. He glanced, eyes wide, between Heisenberg and Eva. "How do I do that...on purpose? How do I...see her?"

Karl's lip was curling; he looked more tense, more frightened than he ever had before, Ethan realized. Heisenberg looked murderous, somehow. Fear translated into anger, rage, on the older man. His eyes were hidden behind his glasses, but the glare was palpable anyway. He was too overwhelmed to speak, which was probably for the best.

"Don't worry about where we are," Eva suggested, and gripped his hands with an encouraging look. "Just think of her."

Ethan's heart sped; it seemed as though it would hammer out of his chest, and his breathing quickened again. He closed his eyes, his emotions still flooding his body and causing him to tremble. The blond was only slightly bothered by knowing that his lip was trembling, and tears were sliding down his face.


My baby girl.

My daughter.

The Lightning that Jumps BetweenWhere stories live. Discover now