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His tongue swept along the seam of y/n's lips, and y/n granted him the permission he craved.
The sound of paper tearing curled y/n's stomach.

L lowered y/n to the bed, nudging his legs apart with his knee. Y/n'd fight anyone else for dominance, for control. But y/n trusted him, and he knew y/n trusted him.

He was the song y/n had been waiting for. The one they could dance to without thinking about everything they've lost because they were too swept up dreaming about everything they could become.

"I've wanted this..." He shook his head. "You have no idea how much I've wanted this."
"I think I have some idea," y/n breathed.
"The way you look at me ... I want you to know what it does to me. I want you to feel it."
he ran a finger up his throat, wondering if it
... * *
felt as rough as his voice sounded. "Show me,

L  x Reader (Death Note)  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now