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My name is Naomi Mario. I have graduated from university and my brothers were supposed to see me get my diploma but I don't see them. They have also stopped responding to my letters. I thought they were busy with their plumbing business and they would get back to me when business is slow but so far it has been 2 years.

I'm going to get to the bottom of this since we are close. As I grabbed my diploma. I immediately went to grab all of my luggage. I used my phone to get a ride. As I approached my home I got out of the taxi and paid the man. I was walking to the door and noticed the house was empty. My neighbor saw me and shouted "Hey Naomi!". I saw him and said hey Mr. Woods. Do you know where my brothers are? Mr. Woods said well your brothers told me that they were moving. All they mentioned was going to a green pipe which is located in the sewers.

I said thank you to the neighbor. I swear I'm going to punch those two. They didn't send me a letter or at least a phone call that they were moving. How could they do this to me. I'm worried sick about them. What if something bad happens to them. I grabbed my luggage and sneaked into the New York sewerage. As I was walking around I went inside of the tunnels. I walk straight until I see a hanging light and a green pipe. I got closer to the green pipe but as I got closer I felt a wind sucking me towards the pipe. The pipe sucked me in and I saw a range of colors. It felt like forever until I saw the end and I fell on top of a huge mushroom.

Fortunately my luggage didn't get on top of me or that would have been painful. I got up and saw a mushroom forest. Further north I saw a town and in the middle of the town was a white castle. I continued walking until I reached the town entrance. I saw mushroom shaped houses and small creatures with mushroom-like heads. 

I said thank you Toad for the information and as for your curiosity I'm Mario and Luigi's sister. My name is Naomi Mario. Then I showed him a picture of the three of us together taken three years ago. Toad stood there shocked and was excited. Toad said "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE RELATED TO THEM!!! I DIDN'T KNOW THEY HAVE A SISTER!! CAN I TELL EVERYONE!!!!????" I said sure you can tell everyone if you want but first I want to give them a piece of my mind.
Toad said "ok nice meeting you Naomi. See ya later!!" I said bye to Toad and went straight to the castle.

As I was climbing the stairs I stopped for a minute to catch my breath since it's a long stairway. As I was resting I felt nervous since I haven't seen them but I was also mad for making me worried.
I finally finished climbing the stairs. I walked towards the door and it was huge. I noticed two guards in front of the door. I approached them and asked. Hi. Is Princess Peach available? I need to see her.

Guard 1 said "The princess is busy. She has guests today." I told him please let me in I need to see if she knows these and if they are with her. Then I showed them the photo of Mario, Luigi and I. Then I told them that I'm their sister. We are triplets and I haven't seen them in a long while. Guard 2 said " Are you related to them?" I said yes I am related to them. Then the guards said"alright you can enter but no funny business." I said thank you and waited for the door to open. I'm close to see my brothers again.


Sorry for the first chapter delay. Normally I would have it out on the same day but I was called in to work and also I was very busy. The next chapter will be ready soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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