Stargazing in your eyes

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Warning ⚠️: they kiss. That's it really. Enjoy!

Castiel and Dean laid on the hood of the impala staring at the stars. Sam was at a local diner one mile over get a bacon cheeseburger and large fry, a salad, and an vanilla ice cream cone. 

Castiel looked at the stars, then looked at Dean, then the stars, then Dean.

"I don't understand Dean. Why are we laying on a car looking a flaming balls of gas in the sky?" Castiel said turning to lay on his side so he faced the human. He heard a long exasperated sigh from the younger. 

"Because," Dean said as he turned to face the baby in a trench coat. "It's beautiful." He finished his sentence and stared into Cas's shining blue eyes and chocolate brown hair. "Just like you" Dean mumbled under his breath. Castiel heard it but was having trouble connecting the sentences. 

"What's just like me?" Castiel sat up frowning a little. 

"Oh you innocent dumbass" Dean chuckled.

Castiel slid of the hood of the car and stood up. "I am an angel Dean," he said sounding frustrated. "Nothing is just like me" Castiel said as he disappeared into thin air making Deans heart sink. 

"CAS! Damn it Cas that's not what I meant" He shouted toward the sky.

"Stop shouting I'm behind you" He said. Dean lunged from him trying to tackle him in a hug. Castiel disappeared once again but this time between two bushes a little further out in the field they were parked in. Dean sprinted towards him about to grab him when *whoosh* he was gone again. This time to the right of by about twenty feet.

"What game are we playing?" Dean chuckled loudly.

"I believe your people call it 'Tag'" Castiel hollered back. 

"Oh! I see now!" Dean yelled and once again broke into a run trying to get the winged rascal. 

While they were ruNing about they couldn't hear Sam as he called their names telling them the food was here. "Where are they?" Sam began to panic when he heard laughter coming from the brush. He pulled his gun but quickly put it back when he saw it was just Dean and Cas running about, trench coat flapping in the wind. Sam chuckled as he sat on the impala eating his chicken salad whatching them play in the fields. "It's the little moments of happiness I guess" Sam mumbled. 

Dean tagged Cas for the third time since Castiel started running instead of teleporting. Cas turned on his heels and chased after Dean. This went on for about twenty more minutes before Dean fully tackled Castiel pinning him down in the tall brush so that no one could see them. 

"Dean?" Castiel asked innocently.

"Yes angel?" Dean said in a low voice making Castiel shiver. 

"What's happening?" Cas whispered in a soft ton, not used to this side of Dean. He only understood when he felt Deans lips land on his. Castiel didn't know what to do. He wanted to hold dean but the younger was holding him tightly to the floor. 'Good thing I'm an angel' cas thought as he easily flipped their positions taking over the kiss. Licking and biting.

Dean was surprised at first. This had never happened to him before. He didn't quite know what to do and Castiel somehow knew everything that made Dean happy. Cas bit Deans lower lip making Dean moan slightly. After he made a noise Castiel was satisfied and sat up looking down at Dean. Lips swollen, eyes wide, and hair a mess. 

"Pretty" Castiel mumbled as he stood up and walked towards the impala. Dean payed there in shock for a second then stood up. He was about to yell at Cas when he saw him hop onto the impala licking an ice cream cone like an innocent child. 

"*scoff* baby in a trench coat. My baby in a trench coat." He mumbled walking towards the car. They ate there food then drove on the road listening to Metallica. Castiel double checked that Sam was asleep before saying, "Dean, I think I love you"

Dean started laughing and reached back to pat his head. "I love you too baby"

Hey beans, 

             Author here! Um so... this is my first time ever writing a kissing thing... I hope it was good? Umm I think kissing is the farthest they will ever get in this book so uh yeah. The rest will just be fluff. ANYGAYS.

With love, Author MinsunggieShipper 🥰👏

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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