The other side

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Damon's POV

"Zoe!" I repeat as I shake her body multiple of times.

Why isn't her eyes opening?

"Damon." Stefan says, his voice full of pity, he slides his hand on my shaking shoulder.

"She can't be dead." I scream, my screams soon turning into sobs.

For the first time, I cry for a particular girl, that's because I love her, but now I never got the chance to actually show it.

"She's gone." I could hear Stefan sob out, he did love her once.

That's when I thought, that girl that killed Zoe, I need to kill her or get some information about her, then kill her.

I chuck the unconscious brunette who killed Zoe in the same cell as Katherine, she's the real reason why Zoe is dead.

"What are you doing?" I asked Stefan who was currently dragging her body towards the door.

"Burying her." Stefan grunts as he struggles trying to carry Zoe's dead body.

"Don't," An alarming scream comes out of my mouth, making Stefan look at me in surprise "keep Zoe here, there might be a way to bring her back."

There has to be a way to make Zoe come back to life, she can't have this life, dying because of a stupid brunette, there's always a loop hole.


Zoe's POV

I wake up in a place I am unknown of, everything's dead silent.

How am I alive if Nadia threw a metal sharp object to my heart, shouldn't I be dead?

There sure is something suspicious.


"Hello!" I scream out, making my way towards the Salvatore household, I need to see Damon.

The door is already open wide, hearing Stefan and Damon talk, I could hear them groan, making my way into the house, I notice a body covered in blood laid on the long red sofa.

I find myself peeking over to find someone looking way too much identical to me, laid across the couch.

That's when I noticed, not any random person's on that chair, it's...



I run over to Damon, embracing him into a hug, but I feel too invisible.

Why can't I feel him?

Why can't he see me?

What's happening?

Tears prick my eyes as I let go of Damon's body, without any hesitation I run towards my house, Jeremy has to be there or even Bonnie, since Jeremy has been seeing Bonnie for quite some time.

Jeremy's POV

Zoe comes running into my room, Bonnie sitting next to me, she doesn't even look at her once.

I stand up and walk towards Zoe, enveloping her in a huge hug.

Why does it feel like I'm hugging the air?

My face showing a surprised, but yet confused look, Zoe looking at me in confusion.

"Jeremy why are you hugging the air." Bonnie giggles out, she walk over to me and slips her hand on my tense shoulder.

Zoe can't...

She can't be...



I've this weird supernatural thing when I can see supernatural creatures who are dead and are taken to an unknown world, apparently it's called 'The other side'.

"She's dead." My voice cracks as Bonnie looks at me in confusion, almost forgetting Zoe is in front of me, her face just in shock as mine.

"What are you talking about?" Bonnie answers concerned.

"Zoe's here, she's dead." I mumble, letting out soft sobs, Bonnie breaking down into huge tears, hearing her take huge, but short breaths.

Bonnie and Zoe had been bestfriends since birth, they were the closest out of our group, Bonnie would die for Zoe if she died, they're basically sisters.

"S-she c-can't be." She says so sad, like she's about to go mad or mental.

"I'm so sorry Bonnie." Zoe sobs out, tears pouring out of her red eyes.

"She said she's so sorry." I say.

"I love you Bonnie."

"And that she loves you." Bonnie cracks out a smile, tears still spilling out of her eyes uncontrollably.

"Make sure you tell Elena when she comes back."

"She also says to make sure you tell Elena when she comes back." I say, my voice cracking ever so slightly.

"Oh Zoe, we'll find a way to get you back, stay strong, I love you." Bonnie croaks out, I look bak to Zoe as she gives me a small nod.

"Please explain this to Damon and Stefan, and tell them to explain everything to you about my death, I love you Jeremy. Take care." Zoe sobs out, she sniffles as the tears have flooded her, now I couldn't help, but to cry out a river, my sister is dead.

"I love you too." And with that Zoe drifts off, knowing I would be seeing her sooner or later.

But now I need to focus on telling Damon everything, just before he decides to flip that switch of humanity.


Bonnie and I casually walk into the boarding house, looking over to Bonnie, seeing tear stains from below her eyes, her eyes are red and quite puffy.

"Hey little Gilbert." Damon says walking up to us as we had walked in, no girls by his side, surprisingly, just a bottle of bourbon wrapped in his hand.

"We found a way to bring back Zoe from the other side." I claim.

"The other side?" Damon questions.

"That's where all the supernaturals go when they die." Bonnie briefly states as us three find our way to the living room, the fire pit lit up, the fire the only source of light in this room.

"Well then chop chop, I want Zoe back." Damon says impatiently as he stands next to a body, seeing Zoe is actually laid there, dead.

"Not so fast, you better get Elena back and get Katherine dead." Bonnie speaks.

"How did Zoe die?" I blurt out curious.

"A dumb brunette threw a sharp object towards her heart, apparently she's a Petrova, one of Katherine's relative." Damon quickly rephrases, but I can tell he is still shocked at the scenery of watching her die.

Damon looked a bit cheery and overwhelmed, his smirk planted on his vampire face, his smirk being bigger then ever, this only means one thing.

Damon's POV

"I'm getting Zoe back." I mutter under my breath, feeling as if a whole lot of pain has left my body and drifted away.

Scratch the idea of turning my humanity switch off, because now, the only thing preventing that to happen is knowing that the girl I love will be coming back.

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