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"yes ma'am, I'm on my way, just got up in the traffic but I'm very close..." I answered the other line, breathing hard.. The director called me for the third time this school year cause she was crying inside the toilet and don't want to go back in class. I excuse myself to a very important meeting. I'm just on my 2nd month on probation and this were my attempt in getting a job but I know I will ruin it by leaving again my boss on an important meeting. It's been like this since the school started and princess now is in kinder 2. Pre school were fun for her, crayons and clay, star on her hands as a reward for a good student in the class everyday and both Lisa and I were happy seeing her enjoying her progress. But kinder was different, when she move to a bigger and a bit crowded environment, princess been acting so distracted and distant. After few months in school she were less energetic and her smile fades when I or Lisa or both of us will fetch her at school. We try to talk to her but all we got is "nothing wrong mommy" "I'm fine mommo" then Lisa and I decided to transfer her in other school, we think the school wasn't good for her and a new surroundings will bring her enthusiastic back on track. At first princess were excited, meeting new people, she went home telling us story about how good her classmates is and how she were eager in the morning to go to school just to meet them. Lisa and I were very happy about her going back the way she were not until she ask us if she could go to school in a school bus. Lisa and I look so surprised but we approved it. I remember how Lisa asking me how could be a kinder garden kid asking if she can ride a school bus going to school, we laugh at the end thinking our daughter were too smart to think that way but we're wrong months past and I received calls from the school that princess had a fight with her boy classmates and he had some scratches. Lisa and I run to the school and try to apologise to the parent of the boy and they understand, they are kids they say. We talk to princess about what happened but all we got is "he started it, he's a bully" and cry, promise us not to do it again. Im passing through it cause I'm convincing myself that princess is just a kid ad she's having normal kid life who sometimes have a normal kid problem but I know deep inside it's not. I was in my deep thoughts while driving when my phone ring..


" jennie, where are you now?" Lisa's trembling voice in the other line

" the school called you?"

" yes, I have to excuse myself in the meeting, hon I can't leave, everyone is here and we're discussing a very important matter"

" don't worry hon, I'm on my way"

" thanks God, update me as soon as you get there, please.. I love you both"

"I love you too"

When the call ended I focus on my driving trying to be with my daughter as soon as possible...


Im like drifting, I was on hurry, I called jennie as soon as the meeting is over.. She assure me that everything was fine that princess got tease of one of her classmates and she didn't take it easy... Probably she told her mommy not to be mad at her classmates, that she wanted to go home because she tired.. When I get out from the car I run to princess room and I saw jennie there lying beside our daughter while she's sleeping...

"hi..." I greeted her with a worry smile. I kiss her forehead and I sit squatting looking on out precious princess. " what happened?"

" she just run outside the classroom and when the teacher follow her, she's in the toilet crying and don't want to go back in their classes." jennie answer me weakly.

" she sleeping deeply, can we talk outside? I don't want to waken her up." jennie nod and she slowly getting herself from the bed.. I stand up and guide her and we walk hand and hand towards princess door. I gave a glace to our daughter before closing the door. As soon as the door close jennie turn to me for a hug ang I embrace her lovingly.

" I'm sorry, you might lost your job for leaving but I can't leave the board just like that"

" it's fine, princess I was worried about" she said weakly

" I know, me too. I'll try to talk to her tomorrow since its weekend" I lean back Wark to face her. " will have a day out tomorrow, it's been a while since we take her outside for a quality time."

"yes hon, were so busy this past few months since you starting to handling the company alone." jennie fix my bangs looking at me lovingly, " I'm thinking, if my boss fired me for leaving today, I will stop and be in princess just what you wanted me to do"

" I don't force you hon, cause I know you really want to prove something to yourself also but yes, as what I see, princess needed either one of us to be with her, anytime she need us"

" I don't understand, she's seems a very friendly and lovely kid, what do you think went wrong"

" I don't know, mabe the problem wasn't from her hon, as you said we're raising our daughter very well" jennie just nod.

The next day Lisa went to princess room as soon as she wakes up..

" wakey wakey my princess" Lisa open the curtain making a little girl cover her face with her duvet.

" mommo it's still early and I don't have class"

" yes, but it doesn't mean your staying in the bed late" Lisa jump into the bed and grab the duvet, hand searching for the little body inside, as soon she touch her body she start to tickle princess.

" mommo!" princess was shouting laughing trying to get out from her mommo' s hand, but Lisa continue until the little one pop up her head and hand for surrender " okay mommo I'm up, I'm up" princess catching her breath laughing.

Lisa lean forward and kisses her forehead " mommy prepared a delicious breakfast for us.. Let's come down and we have a long day ahead, I'm taking you to the carnival"

" really mammo?" princess eyes sparkle and happiness is in her smile

" yes baby, and we will ride everything you want"

" yehey! I go pee, wait for me mommo" she hug her first before running to her bathroom.

At the carnival

Princess was so happy she keep running here and there, asking her mother if she can ride this do this, she even make some friends inside the carnival and some of the parents telling the two of them how sweat princess. Lisa and jennie looking at princess while she in the tea cup ride with a big smile enjoying her ride.

"I will talk to her hon, we should take this seriously, I mean what ever the changes of princess attitude in school, it should stop we should do about it" Lisa said to jennie and the latter just nod agreeing to Lisa.

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