10. jealousy, jealousy

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It was Christmas Eve. Nini's long white dress was sparkling as she walked into the huge ballroom looking around at the beautiful decorations and the people in the room. Everyone was in beautiful white, red or green dresses, as it was supposed to symbolize Christmas.

The brunette didn't see anyone she knew in the large crowd, so she decided to move slowly to the table with the punch. She took the glass in her hand and tasted it. But as soon as the liquid got into her mouth, she felt a taste she didn't expect. She started coughing out of disgust.

"Yeah, I think there's alcohol in that." she heard the boy's laughter behind her.

The girl turned and when she saw that it was Ricky she also smiled. "Yeah, you could have said that a little earlier." she told him, placing the glass back on the table.

The boy laughed again and got a better look at her.

"Wow, you look beautiful." he said without even thinking about it before the words left his mouth. "I mean, um- the dress and-"

Nina showed him a small chuckle and nodded. "Thanks Ricky, you don't look bad either."

"Oh my god, that was the biggest compliment." he said sarcastically.

"You look good." the brunette said to the boy with big laughter.

"Are you nervous about the performance?" he asked.

"I'm a little nervous, as always before I go on stage, but the main thing is to enjoy it, right?" she replied with a small smile.

"I so look forward to singing with you again." he smiled back at her. "We have never sung together in front of so many people."

"I know we can do it together."


That one word stood out to Ricky among the others.

"What can we do together?" suddenly another boy's voice appeared behind Nina which she knew very well.

"Hi babe." the boy said and gave his girlfriend a quick kiss.

When Richard saw this he felt a strange feeling inside his body. He didn't know what it was.

It felt like a mix of anger and sadness. He convinced himself that it couldn't be jealousy. After all... he is over Nini.

Ricky thought that maybe it was just a protective feeling, because even though he and Nina were no longer in a relationship, a small part of him will always love her. At least he can admit that much.

He was convinced that this boy who is standing in front of him with his arm around Richard's ex-girlfriend is not good enough for her.

"We were talking about our song, which we will sing in a moment." the curly haired boy said staring into the other's eyes with a murderous look.

"Um, Theo this is Ricky." suddenly Nina said, feeling the tension.

"Speaking about that song... shouldn't you go get ready?" the girl's boyfriend said.

Ricky understood that he was trying to signal him to leave. "Actually we still have enough time."

Nina didn't know why she felt so guilty. After all, she and Ricky ended a long time ago and she has every right to date someone else now. There is no reason for her to feel bad in this situation, so why is the opposite true?

She knew that there was no good reason, especially when Ricky also had a girlfriend, whom he promised her that he would never ever ever be with.

Anger entered Nina's body as she remembered the blonde girl.

"Are you here with Lily?" she asked.

The boy seemed taken aback by the question. Honestly, it was because for a small moment he forgot that he even had a girlfriend.

That's how it usually is when he's with Nini.

"Um, yeah... I should probably go find her." he gave her an answer that seemed to make the girl in front of him sad. "Excuse me." Ricky said and left right after.


but I've been terribly inactive since Christmas and the story must go on!

not sure if anyone is still here but if you are... love ya, Sof

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