I crane my neck over to look inside, seeing photos of Harry and some 'mystery women,' which we all know is fucking baloney. There's photos of him and Liam, Celine making a few pages from where it talks about where he's lived in the past, having lived in Germany for a month under Celine's parent's roof before his first debut album going solo.

Jade screams, pointing to a picture. "That's our sign!"

I grab the magazine to steady her shaking hands so I can at least see the photo.

Sure enough, we're there on the big screen of the London show, our frog joke on display with us behind it, arms in the air, grins on our faces.

'Frogrry reads frog sign! Harry Styles is one for a pun. So when these series of signs were held up, he found to croak a laugh with the rude sign. This is a family show... or is it? People shared their story about how they spotted these fans going behind stage afterwards. Seems Harry has a new thing for girls with curves; as one of the fans that went with him wasn't his ordinary blonde skinny model, but someone a bit plainer.'

"Plainer?" Jade angrily screeches. "I am far from plain! Argh, I fucking hate these magazines!" She tosses it on the floor heat raising in her face.

I pat her shoulder reassuringly. "At least you made a story. I was overlooked by. Where was the bit about the twink that pulled Harry in the first place?"

She huffs a sigh. "It's made me feel shitty now. Why did you buy that shit, anyway?"

I pick up a few of the posters and cards, handing them over. "Freebie pics of Harry."

She gives me a glare. "We could've gotten these for free if we asked Lloyd to print us a few photos, you cretin."

I grab the martini from inside the bag, cracking it open and handing it to her. "Drink this. It'll make you feel better."

"What would make me feel better if people didn't act as though Harry fancies thin blonde girls. He's clearly gay, has something for you, whatever he sees in you, for God's sake. But yet it's me being spoken about, and in a shady way, too." She takes a sip of her martini.

"We should make our own online magazine. One that doesn't speak ill of the girls, he supposedly takes home every tour show. But instead, weave the truth inside it."

She shrugs. "That feels like going behind his back."

She has a point there. And if Jeff ever found it, we'd all be in shit.

"Gate 5H is about to close," the intercom speaks, and Jade and I rush to the line, getting our boarding passes ready.


The Romanian heat scorches the tarmac, causing heat waves to ripple. The architecture is beautiful, reminding me of Bath back at home. I feel like I should be wearing a tunic and being inside Plebs.

We get the bus to the hotel so we can dump our bags into our room and check in.

Once at the hotel, I tell my name and they hand us a key.

"Is Barry Crump here yet?" I ask, using Harry's code name that he seems to use for every hotel.

"Sorry we can not discuss other guests," the receptionist says with a fake smile.

"No problem." I check the key card's number, knowing that Carlos would have had a word with the receptionist to make all the team stay on the same floor.

We're number 505. I send a quick text to Harry, telling him we're in the hotel.

The lift dings and opens for us to enter, and I startle when I see Liam standing inside it. His face shows recognition as soon as he registers us, a big grin forming on his face.

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