helluva boss spring breaker part two

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James: no no that can't be true

Loona and blitzo was shocked and moxxie an vortex look at each other then to James still shocked

The effect was immediate. In a rare display Loona and blitz and James were near in identical looks of shock and disbelief. But before they could start grilling their coworker for information, the elevator door at the other end of the hall suddenly opened up with a friendly little ding and revealed none other than Moxxie's beloved spouse: Millie. The last demon he wanted to see right now.

'Why does the universe hate me?' Moxxie mentally groaned.

"Ah can't believe ah managed ta find a parking spot so close to the office! Must be mah lucky day!" Millie said to herself before turning her attention to the demons in the hall. "Ah miss anything interestin'?"

"Oh you didn't miss much. Moxxie was just introducing us to his ex-boyfriend: Vortex." and his ex-son James
Blitzo sarcastically remarked.

"Hey." Vortex said, waving to the imp.

"Sup"James said,to the imp

Millie froze mid-step. "What?"

"I said Moxxie was introducing us to-"

"Ah heard ya the first time!" Millie snapped.

"Sorry, but who are you?" Vortex asked.

The country imp aggressively stomped towards Vortex until she was standing right in front of him, shooting the wolf-like demon a cold glare as she sized him up.

"The name's Millie, I'm Moxxie's wife."

Hey don't be messing with my dad bitch James said

"son language and also Wife?" Vortex questioned, looking over at his ex. "You got married?"

"Yes, several months ago in fact. Not that it's any of your business." Moxxie replied.

"I just thought..."

"Thought what?"

The hellhound shook his head. "Nothing, forget it."

"Wow, I am loving all the drama going down here." A new, decidedly feminine voice said.

All eyes in the room turned towards the source of the intrusion and fell upon Verosika Mayday, who was standing in the doorway to her office with a smug smile on her face.

First I got a sweet freelancing deal with a great parking spot right by the building and now I find out that my new bodyguard used to date my ex-boyfriend's favorite employee and his son is also my new bodyguard? Today just keeps getting better and better."

The presence of his former lover was enough to wash away whatever shock Blitzo felt from discovering Moxxie used to date a hellhound ten times his size and had a son too how is that possible and remind him why he had come all the way up here in the first place.

"Hold it right there skank!" Blitzo exclaimed. "If you think you can just stroll in here on my turf, take my parking spot and half my floor and get away with it, you're dead fucking wrong!"

Verosika snickered and leaned down towards Blitzo. "Oh yeah? And what's your scrawny ass gonna do about it?"

"I challenge you to a fucking...uh...challenge! Fuck I said that twice."

"A demon duel? Sure! What's the game?"

"Every year, you STD spreaders go up topside for easy pickins while spring break is a prime time for crime of all kinds! So I bet you succu-bitches can't fuck as many people as we can off by the end of the day!" Blitzo exclaimed

Where my mom Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ