helluva boss: spring breaker's part one

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Moxxie was never much of a heavy metal fan, it was too aggressive and cacophonous for his tastes. Be it the guitar solos that overstayed their welcome to the immature lyrics to the general aesthetic of a 'headbanger, Moxxie held the entire musical movement in disdain.

And he liked it even less when his boss was trying to sing along to one such song, butchering the lyrics and singing horribly off key; or rather, shouting horribly off key.

"You were a spicy little- uh- demon with the- uh- beach blonde haaair!" Blitzo howled. "Fieeending for that semen when I caught your stare!"

'Oh Satan, someone please stab my eardrums out with a fork.' Moxxie thought to himself as he tried to block out the terrible noise with his hands to no avail.

It was another morning for I.M.P., the quartet of demons responsible for keeping the business afloat were currently riding inside of the metal death trap that Blitzo passed off as the official company vehicle complete with half-assed personalized branding. The van moving at wildly unsafe speeds with the imp behind the wheel having little to no respect for what few traffic laws existed in Hell as they sped towards their offices to begin a new day of work.

There was nothing particularly special about today, no significant jobs or major events going on. As far as Moxxie knew it was going to be a fairly average day at work filled with paperwork and the typical stream of clients coming through the door asking to have a cheating spouse or backstabbing best friend killed off. Even the weather lacked any noticeable qualities, straddling the line between sunny and cloudy to make for an uninteresting sight that wouldn't even be worth a passing glance.

Yep, today was shaping up to be a perfectly normal, boring workday.

Relief washed over Moxxie's mind when he saw the office building Blitzo had rented out for I.M.P. come into view, knowing that he would soon be free from the lanky imp's impression of a cat being strangled to death amidst sloppily thrown together guitar solos.

"Thoooought it might be love, but you went and-" Blitzo screeched as he turned into the parking lot.

But just as he was about to pull in to the company parking spot, a bright pink convertible comes zooming out of nowhere and takes the empty space right out from under them; forcing Blitzo to slam on the brakes and make a hard turn to avoid crashing straight into the offending vehicle.

OH SHIT! FU-" the owner of I.M.P. screamed.

The van came to a screeching halt only a few feet away from where the convertible was parked, the sudden stop flung Moxxie forwards and sent him slamming face first into the back of Blitzo's seat. Thankfully the leather cushioning spared Moxxie from any serious injuries but the impact still hurt like crazy and left him dazed, the imp curled up on the floor of the van in pain lamenting the total lack of seatbelts in the vehicle.

Blitzo was screaming something through a megaphone, no doubt cursing and swearing at the owner of the pink convertible with enough ferocity to make a sailor blush, but Moxxie couldn't quite make it out past the aching sensation in his face.

Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed him by the shoulders and lifted him back onto the leather seats. Looking up, Moxxie saw that Millie was now in the process of dusting him off and checking him over for any injuries.

"You okay Mox?" Millie said, cupping his face.

Moxxie nodded. "Yeah I'm fine, ow. It's probably just a few bruises. I can shake it off."

Yer sure? Ya hit that seat pretty hard."

"Positive." Moxxie replied. "What happened anyways?"

"Some bitch stole our spot, but don't worry! B's givin that slut a piece of his mind right now!" Millie exclaimed, looking out the backseat window at the scene unfolding in front of the building.

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