Period -1-

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hi! this is my first story and it was 12 in the night so yeah, here it is i hope you like it.
it containes strong laguage so if you don't want to read that then don't read the stories 

You and hobi were at disney land for you winter vacation. He had booked for you one of the most beautiful rooms you'd ever seen, there was an amazing vieuw al all over paris and the intire disney land and there were loads of free snacks. It was just around 10 in the morning when you two were walking on the main street. Suddenly i get a stange feeling in my belly but i didn't tell it hobi because i didn't want to ruin the day for him. He was always a bit overprotecting and worried when i was not feeling well, and he was enjoying disney so much.
i felt him grabbing my hand and asked "babe are you feeling well?" " yeah" i said "i'm fine why'd ask?" "well people are staring at your cute little ass and you are holding your belly  he said 
"what! why are they staring at my butt?" i said while i was trying to look at my ass "fuck i'm on my period" he didn't doubted a second or his jacket was aroud my waist he was now only left in  his sweather, now people were staring at him "let's go back to our room yeah, then we can have netflix and chill?" "okay" i said "thank you" "i love you" he said
while we were heading back to our room.

"UGH i hate the gifts of mother nature!" you yelled trough the bathroom. It was the time of the month again, and your boyfriend of 3 months haven't seen you on your period. You moved in his appartment a week ago so you knew he needed to deal with it and you had run out of pads, so this was the great moment. He was recording at the studio with his friends so you called him 
"hi, babe, what's wrong?" he heard you moan in pain on the other side of the phone.
You were always just sick when you had your period you had headace, cramps like satan was poking you with his trident and you'd feel like trowing up "it is the time of the month and i've ran out of pads, can you go buy me some?" "what is the time of the month?" he said asking
"ow i know, yes ofc baby i'll be there in 10" he said "okay hurry" i said while ended the call. 
Not much later he came back with loads of stuff "see here are your pads, i brought also some medicind and a heat blanket you can put that on your belly, and some chocolate, ice cream 
and a fluffy blanket" he said "aw thank you, your the best" "i know"
he says with an big smile on his cute face "and if you are done come to the bedroom so we can netflix and chill" i ran almost after him. 

"Y/N" "Y/N wake up" "Y/N please wake up babe" "noooo i don't want to" i said back while looking on the clock "it is 4 in the morning i wanna sleep"  "yeah i know baby but go and take a nice shower so you can wash"  "nooo i wanna sleep" "babe please you are on your period" he said again "WHAT" i yelled at the same time i juped of the bed to see a bloody pool and almost cried from embaressment "aw shit, i'm so fucking sorry, i should have known that this was gonna happen, i'm so stupid and" "Y/N! calm down babe it's just nomal you don't have to be ashamed of it i will clean it and now go and shower so you can sleep again" i did as he said. When i came back everything was just it's normal white. I throw myself on the bed again while i cuddeld against him and he rubed my lower back and softly hummed a song i my ear
"i love you" was the last thing i heard.

OMG it was so much fun to do this if you have suggestions just text me, i hope you liked it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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