Eventually, she would use the feathers to fletch. her own arrows but she did not have the tools. Iroh had promised her on their next stop she would be allowed to join them in the market for the supplies she would need. They were currently headed for a Fire Nation village not too far from the Northern Temple. There they could restock and continue on their search. She needed an abundance of bamboo and arrow tips of either rock or obsidian. Obsidian was preferred but harder to came by as it came exclusively from Fire Nation soil. The only place to get it was from a smuggler, since Ozai had ordered a cease shipment to the other nations.

Digging through the box, she pulled out. her favorite feathers, from an Eagle hawk. They were brown with white specs but when she held them up to the candlelight the brown parts almost glowed gold. They were the first set of feathers she wanted to use as fletchings.

A knock on her doar brought her out of her admiration. Placing the feathers back in the box, she stood to get the door. On the other side stood Iroh, with bandages and ointment in hand. She opened the door fully for him.

"How are you feeling today?" Iroh asked as he came into the room.

"Ready to leave this room." She sighed closing the door and joining him by the bed. Since she hadn't left the room in so long she had been living in her robe, seeing no point in putting on normal clothes if she wasn't allowed to leave. She slipped it off, turning her back to him so he could help her out.

"You have healed nicely. Bed rest was exactly what you needed Asana. The blisters have healed, now we just wait for your skin to thicken as it continues to heal." Iroh told her as unwrapped her torso. As he undid the top, she used her arms to cover her breasts.

"That's a relief. The sharp pains have stopped but it is definitely still sensitive to the touch." She explained. His hands were gentle as be applied the ointment and unlike before, it didn't hurt as it used to.

"When I am finished, you should get dressed. I will escort you to the deck for some fresh air. Prince Zuko is currently sparring with some guards." Iroh said. Her head whipped around in exciment. He gave her a warm smile and it took everything in her not to turn around and hug him.

"Thank you, Iroh." She told him, grateful for his kind heart. "How is he?"

"As hot tempered as usual. He struggles to remember his basics as he learns. He is as stubborn and unforgiving, as his element" Iroh explained, as he finished tying up her bandage.

"I miss the Zuko who was warm and
loving. I want to see Ozai suffer for what he's done."  She seethed feeling her anger rising. That man had traumatized both of them, Zuko more than her.

"You turn your anger inwards. Focusing on your anger will slow your healing. What Ozai did was unforgiveable, but you must focus on moving passed it and find some peace. " Iroh, told her as he stood from his spot behind her. She didn't have any words to describe the way she felt. She had such anger towards Ozai, it would consume her if she allawed it. Zuko was headed down that path.

"You said something about some fresh air." She looked over her shoulder at him and gave him a small smile.

"Get dressed, I'll be in the hallway." Iroh exited the room, leaving her in silence. She stood slowly, stretching side to side to check her mobility. Her side was still pretty stiff.
Iroh always did a good job to ensure that the bindings weren't too tight. Going to her.
dresser she pulled out a simple red tunic and a pair of lose pants. The clothes were comfortable and her bindings barely poked out of the top where it tied together. Next to the door was her long leather coat, with a white fur collar; a gift from Zuko since they had been banished.

True to his word, Iroh was waiting in the hallway for her. She nodded to him, letting him know that she was ready. He took her by the arm and let her lean on him a bit even though she didnt need the support. She smiled and leaned her head on his for a moment to shaw her appreciation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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