- She gets irritated when you fall asleep first but softens up because she thinks it's cute.

- Emma likes crime dramas, romance and feel good movies. She typically watches them when she's done with her work.

- She loves to cuddle you throughout the movie and refuses to let go. She just likes being close to you.

- She watches your expression every once in awhile when there is a plot twist. She always asks what you think of it.

- When you fall asleep first, she thinks it's adorable and obsesses over it for hours.

- Kitty's favorite movies to watch are dramas, comedies, and Disney films.

- She talks a lot throughout the movie because she likes having conversations with you more than being silent. This can annoy you sometimes.

- She takes a lot of pictures of you both cuddling on the couch.

- When you fall asleep, she takes pictures of that too and keeps it even if you say to delete it.

- Mike's favorite type of movies are romance, comedies, and dramas.

- He always insists that you can lay on him the whole time. He even covers you with a blanket and holds you close.

- He blushes during the heated scenes in a romance movie. You often tease him about this, which makes him even more flustered.

- He always asks if you're okay when you doze off or get tired during the movie. If you are getting too sleepy, he pauses the movie then carries you to bed.

- Mal likes thrillers, horror and action.

- He thinks it's cute and teases you when you get scared. He'll either do something to make you more scared to make fun of you or will cuddle you close to calm you down. It really depends.

- He loves it when you lay on him. It makes him feel like he's doing a good job at protecting you, even if it's just a movie.

- If he's in the mood, he'll want to make out during the most inappropriate scenes.

- He always insists on you falling asleep on him.

- Scott's favorite movies are dramas, action and comedy.

- He finds your laugh so adorable when you keep laughing at the characters. It makes him want to laugh too, and he pulls you closer to him.

- He eats a lot during the movie and will keep getting up to get more food. He tells you not to pause it though so you can keep watching.

- Scott gets embarrassed to admit he is invested in the plot.

- Trent likes watching musicals, dramas, and romance films.

- He gives you a kiss whenever there's an emotional scene to make you feel better.

- He often buries his face into your hair when he holds you close to him. He cuddles you a lot during movies.

- He likes to hear you sing along to the musicals and records you so he can watch it later.

- Gwen prefers horrors and thrillers. That's what she's always been into. She will only go for romance if you convince her enough. She thinks romance movies are too cliche.

- If you get scared, she'll tease you a lot. She also thinks it's funny when you complain that the characters keep making dumb decisions.

- You both make forts under covers to watch the movie, which she finds very cute.

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