Cake and Cuddles

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CW: None

Word Count: 1078

Ash was bouncing around her apartment. She was excited and overwhelmed. Today was the day she had been waiting for. Today, her beloved man (or demon if we're getting technical) was coming back to her universe. He had been there 2 weeks before to spend time with her and they were always texting and calling but she missed the real thing. Now that he was coming today she was anxious. She was hoping and praying that neither of their jobs had something come up before or in the middle of their day. Sure he was staying for a little while but she didn't wanna waste a single second. They had lots to do together. They had been planning this since last week and weren't about to just let it go. She went to make sure the bedroom was ready, that nothing would break from some festivities and was comfy. She then got started on a cake and made sure the beer and wine was cold. She nearly fell when she heard the doorbell ring. She straightened herself up and opened the door. Standing there was Streak, her best friend, and his boyfriend, Nitro. "Surprise Shorty!!" Streak bellowed to her. Nitro waved at her and smiled. Ash released a breath she didn't realize she was holding and smiled at them. "Hey guys. Good to see you Nitro." He nodded, "good to see you too ash." She let them inside and went to check on the cake. When she came back they were on the couch, cuddling? What they were doing was close enough to cuddling but also not. Ash brushed it off and sat in her large loveseat. "So nitro, I thought you and the doctors were coming by 4. Are they here or is it just you?" She asked, worried Lust was here before she was done prepping. "Yea it's just me. I could only wait on those slow pokes for so long before leaving on my own." She once again let out a breath, this time aware she was holding it. She can admit, she was scared. "Oh ok. So what have you two been up to?" She asked, already knowing. Streak blushed and Nitro smirked. He glanced at Streak, silently beckoning him to tell her. Streak cleared his throat and answered: "Uh, just having some fun alone before everyone else gets here. She smiled, "Like what?" "Just, like, video games and lunch." Streak told her, turning redder. "Mhm, sure." She said obviously not believing him. Streak saw her sly smile and look. "YOU KNOW YOU'RE GONNA CUDDLE WITH YO MAN TOO." "Hah! i knew you were soft!" she laughed. Nitro spoke up, "How bout yourself, short stack, whatcha been up to today?" She smiled, "oh just cleaning up a bit, prepping some stuff for when Angel gets here." That's when she bounced up, remembering her cake. She ran to the kitchen and got the cake out, luckily it was perfect. She wrapped it up and placed it in the fridge, setting a timer on her phone. She went to sit with them but they both were in the doorway. She jumped, cursing lightly "Holy 🤬 ! Jeez boys. Let me know you're there next time?" Streak apologized for them and Nitro went to look at the cake in the fridge. "A cake huh?" He asked, "so are u trying to impress him or..." she blushed. "N-no I just wanted to make our time special." She looked down. Streak smiled and rested a hand on her head, "awww that's adorable but ya know, all u gotta do is have some fun together right shorty?" She nodded and went to get the cake out, checking the time. "Don't you guys have something to do today?" She asked them. They looked at each other and smiled. "Nah we already did all our plans." Nitro smiled. "Well ya can't stay here so please leave. " she shooed them out the door. "Ooh ya want us out to have some fun times with ur mannn~" Streak teased. She rolled her eyes and went to decorate the cake. 4 o'clock rolled around and ash was sitting on her couch watching tv and waiting for Angel. She expected a knock on the door but instead she felt an arm fall around her shoulders. She jumped up and looked to her side and saw him. "Well well I didn't think you would be jumping away from me but there's a first time for everything." He looked up at her. She almost cried. "Angel!!" She jumped on him and hugged him. He smiled and kissed her, her kissing him back of course. They pulled away and she smiled so goofily at him it almost made him laugh. "Missed me huh, sparkles?" She nodded eagerly and hugged him more. He hugged her back and picked her up carrying her to the kitchen. "I see you made a cake, can I have a slice?" He asked the girl hanging on to him like a koala bear. "Yea sure." She mumbled, face in his chest. He held her up and got a slice, eating it quickly. Then he carried her to the bedroom, laying on the bed with her beside him. "I'm not gonna lie the trip here was long and energy draining. Nap?" she nodded and curled up to sleep, him hugging her with a smile on his face.

~2 hours later~

They both were laying in the bed, just waking up and Ash looked over at him with a smile. "I really really missed you." He laughed a little before kissing her head. "I missed you too, sparkles." She smiled before popping up and throwing on some jeans and shoes. "where ya goin?" He mumbled, still sleepy. She pulled him up, "movie time. Come on." He sighed, snapped and was in his clothes, "let's go." And so the two spent the rest of the day together. At the end of it, they were on the couch watching some a cringe tv show with Ash laying on Lust's chest. "This was nice." Lust commented on their day together. "Yea. I'm glad you enjoyed it." He smiled and kissed her head. "Why don't you go to sleep now," he told her as he rubbed her back, "I'll be here in the morning." She sighed, and looked up at him. "I guess. Good night." "Good night, love." And she was swept into a deep calming sleep.

The end.

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