Prologue: The Awakening

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Author's Note: Hitsuxhina here! I will be writing every other chapter. My chapters will focus on Akuma's perspective. They will be written in 1st person. This prologue will be focusing on Akuma and her awakening. It might be a bit short, for that I apologize. Akuma is half Angel and half Demon. The only one of her kind. The picture above is an accurate picture of what I envisioned her to look like. Please note: I do not own that picture. All rights go to the art. I do however, own this story and the characters are either ones that I've made or have been made by the people in my server, which by the way, is in the My Website section. Check it out if you too want to participate in the story. Now, without further do, let's get started with this story!

Excelsia, the land where angels and demons resided peacefully

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Excelsia, the land where angels and demons resided peacefully. Of course, they each had their faults. They had their fights. The most striking difference between the two races was their abilities. Angels typically leaned more towards the light and healing and life. Demons let themselves be consumed by darkness and death and hurt. Angels based their magic on purity, demons acquired black magic that pertained to destruction. Both had a mutual understand that neither could survive without the other.

Both of the races drew their power from sacred stones carved from the land of the gods. They built a temple for each of the stones, Virtus and Nefus. Virtus was kept in the Temple of Alexandrite and the Nefus stone was kept in the Temple of Obsidian. Long ago there used to be guardians of the temples but as time went on, they have either died or abandoned their post.

The Demons became power hungry. They deemed the Angels weak and wanted both the stones for themselves. They were blinded by their greed and pride and thought they were better than the angels.

The gods noticed the drama happening on their Earth and decided to put a stop to it. They both created their own child. Daemonium was the God of Death and of the Demons and Angelus was the Goddess of Life and the Angels. They created a mix of the two races, Akuma Tenshi. A hybrid. Half Angel and half Demon.

For the first millennia of her life, she stayed on Excelsia. She was basically told to get both sides to get along. The gods thought that perhaps Akuma would show them that a union between the two races would be good. That it wasn't bad. However, the Angels and the Demons both hated the idea. They had a rule that both races could not get together and reproduce. The product would be too powerful. So for her own safety, the gods whisked Akuma away and put her in a deep sleep. Never to be seen by the sun or moon ever again.

The war and pain began to subside with the agreement of the hybrid being the worst thing to ever happen. But then the gods made a huge mistake. They believed in punishing the Angels and the Demons, believing them to not deserve the power of the stones. Daemonium sent his minions down to Excelsia and took the stones from the temples and hid them with Akuma in the underground temple that no one could enter. The Angels thought the Demons took it due to their greedy tendencies.

The Demons, angered by this started up the fighting which had subsided for over 500 years. The gods, once again threatened with the utter cataclysm of the situation, banded together to create a beautiful being one that they called "human" and donned the name of "Pandora" on. She was utterly beautiful with the ability to charm anyone with her words, not because she had magic, but because her mind was strategic. Because of her strategic advances to both the angels and the demons, they agreed to a ceasefire.

Impressed with the work that Pandora had done, the gods believed that humans were beneficial to keeping the peace. They created the race of humanity.

The humans, along with the help of Angels and Demons, claimed land as their own and as such five factions were created: Helltide, Pyromaris, Edom, Aquamarine, and Iorfe. Each faction created a kingdom and after a millennia, each one was thriving.

The angels loved the humans so much that they granted them gifts of power to the best of their sunken abilities and although the magic given was powerful, the power did not live up to how the angels were in their past lives. Perhaps that was for the better, as with abilities from the gods themselves, who knew which wars would wage and which wouldn't?

All was well. And now with the Validus Era beginning, comes the return of what the Angels and Demons feared the most: The Hybrid.


Akuma's body was lain on a bed of white roses. They looked perfect and preserved. Akuma's chest rose and fell softly. The cracks in the ceiling showed the bright blue sky and the shafts of light that fell softly onto her cheeks and hands. Two statues stood on either side of Akuma, they were holding hands. These were Daemonium and Angelus, the two gods. This temple showed their union. The ruin around showed how little the Angels and Demons cared...White roses were the symbol of peace and the one laid on top of them was the biggest symbol of all. There was a crash and a young traveller crashed through the opening that was carefully hidden from sight. Unfortunately, humans were nosy.

The young man groaned and stood up dusting himself off. "What the--?!" He turned around and his eyes widened at the sight of Akuma. "I'm so sorry I-" He began rambling on and on until he realized that Akuma wasn't moving. "Oh...Phew." He took a deep breath and collapsed on to the floor.

The young man looked around at his surroundings while he gulped down water from his bottle. There was papyrus scrolls that held texts from the old days. Lots of secrets to unveil this day and age. Pictures were etched into the stone. He ran his hands over one of them of a bird like creature.

There was suddenly a ringing noise. Like the ringing in your ears. The young man covered his ears, crying out in pain. "What the hell?!" The man got up and the floor started to shake. Then everything stopped and there was a gentle, ping.

The white roses all disintegrated and a crack showed in the two gods holding hands. The man got scared and ran away. Akuma's body was gently settled down on the altar now void of the roses. Akuma's eyes opened slowly.


"I promise you! There was a girl down here!" The same man had two more men with him. They were exchanging looks with each other skeptically. They didn't believe this guy.

"Dude come on, no one has been down here for YEARS. Don't you think someone would have been here already if there was a girl down here?" The second mans voice was annoyed.

"Just trust me!"

They all tramped down the very steep hill down to the bottom where the entrance to the temple was. Or rather where it was supposed to be. In its place was a bunch of boulders and rocks covering it.

"Nice job, Jonas!" The third man laughed and punched the other guy's shoulder playfully. "This guy..."

"But! It was right here! I promise!" Jonas rushed forward and started trying to move the boulders out of the way. "Come on help me!"

"No way dude! We are out of here!" The two other men started the journey back up to the top of the hill. Jonas managed to shift a boulder out of the way and he looked through the hole. The altar was empty.


Author's Note: Okay, so I let my fingers fly with this prologue. I mainly wanted to explain the differences between the Angels and the Demons and the making of the humans. For the future chapters, they will all be in first person. This was an exception for the prologue. I hope this has captured your interest. If you made it this far, consider voting for this story as well as following us so you don't miss whenever we publish. As soon as we get the next chapter up, we will have a posting schedule.

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