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*justins pov*

god shes so beautiful... I hope she sees it as much as I do. I think I am ready to ask her but im not totally sure. Darren notices me zoning out. "you good Justin? youre quiet" Darren piped up. "yeah just thinking to myself for a minute.." I replied. "do it. just do it if youre thinking about it!" what how did he know.. "what are you talking about Darren" I asked confused. and he gave me an assuring look that he knew exactly what I was thinking. "ooooo this is exciting, when you gonna do the same Darren" char said laughing. "hey me and him are completely different ok dont worry about it" Darren replied. nova looking at her phone not even hearing any of it. her phone started to ring and her eyes widened. "Darren this is bad...like real bad" nova exclaimed. "give me that phone ill show that stalker whos boss" Darren replied as we pulled into ihop. he answers the call and nova is clearly a nervous wreck squeezing chars hand. "youre gonna be fine they will totally leave you alone after Darren is done" char assured her. "hello nova" the guy said confused dar handed it to me because he knew what was going on. "who is this? this is novas brother" Darren responded before I could. "where is nova" they asked and you could hear the frustration in his voice. "dont worry bout it stranger this is her boyfriend and if you keep calling her it will be the last thing you do" I replied and hung up. I blocked them and gave nova her phone. "I thought he was gonna leave you alone??" Darren asked nova. "I thought so because its been two years since hes contacted me" nova replied. "mustve got a girlfriend and wanted to hit you up after they broke up" char added. "wouldn't be surprised hes done that before but in a lot smaller time frame since the girl heard about me so much, I also heard he said my name when they were doing the devils tango" nova replied. "well must have really had you on his mind then Darren said laughing as he got out the car. I opened the door and ran to the other side to let her out. "Ouu okay Prince Charming" nova said goofing around. "Seriously Prince Charming?" Darren laughed. "Hey we are not the same Darren" I replied laughing. "Hey novaaaa" char said excited. "Yes wifey" nova replied "can you sit next to me and the boys sit across from us" char asked. "Well what do you guys think?" I asked the boys. "Well what we could do is you two could sit next to each other till the food comes then we can do a little switchover before the food gets to the table" Darren replied. "Works for me" I replied. "Me too" char replied. "Hey nova can I talk to you for a sec" I said to her grabbing her hand for her attention. "Yes my Prince Charming" nova replied.

*novas pov*
"So this isn't why I pulled you aside but why'd you Call her wifey?" Justin asked. "Oh I was just being silly" I replied. "Oh okay well I'm kinda getting an overwhelming sense that something fucked up is about to happen" Justin replied. "Me too but I really wanted ihop" nova replied. Before we could make another move there was loud sounds of gunfire. She looked over the other two just fine running to the car. We hauled ass back home. "I'll cook something or if Oliver is bored and feels up to it he will" Darren said getting out. "Just great..." I said slightly discouraged. "You okay nova you look sad" Justin said looking at me. "She's upset" char said as Darren opened her door. "Dar I want to take a nap" I said laughing. "sleeping is not a productive escape from this situation" Darren replied. We walked in to an empty house. "Well that's nice I guess" I said even more sad. "Nova come here and talk to me for a sec" Darren said dragging me away. "You need to get ready for you monthly because you're way over emotional like more than usual" Darren replied. "I'm sorry I'm a women. We're emotionally wired! So just because I act this way over IHOP which just in case you forgot it is one of my favorite places doesn't mean I'm gonna start, now I'm going to lay down if you're going to make that silly assumption" i said walking into my room closing my door and locking it to get my sweats on. I found a a matching tracksuit and called it good. "This is a sign to go to the gym" i said walking out of my room. "You tryna go to the gym?" Justin asked. "Yes I am" I replied. "I'll take us let me go change" Justin replied walking into his room. "Ouuu Justin you better not do anything!" Darren said giving him that look. Darren started laughing. I found my workout shoes and put them on instead of my normal ones while I waited. "Okay are you ready nova?" Justin asked. "More than ever" I replied. "Okay now princess nova slow down, don't forget some protein!" Oli replied laughing. "I'll take her to the store to pick one out along with her own water bottle" Justin replied. "Oh so making the most of it I see" Tyler said looking at us. "Yeah. I guess nova didn't realize we were matching" Justin replied laughing. "You're right I didn't. "I may have helped char plant them in your clothes" Darren said laughing. "Well thank you for the marvelous back up plan" I said laughing. "Okay let's go im tired of waiting!" Justin said walking to the door. I followed behind him. He opened the passenger door for me. "Why thank you handsome" I said to Justin as he smiled. "Well no need for that it comes with the position as your future boyfriend and possible husband" Justin replied. "Okay okay but I thought I'd show appreciation, and I will continue to do so" I replied as he closed my door. "You know if we start dating I should get you seat covers with our names! Then we can have our best friends out of the whole groups in the back ones, how's that sound?" I said laughing. "Well the best friend one is a bit to much because your closest friend out of us besides me is dar, now I don't really have a closest besides you and Darren and Darren just sus so who would the other person be? Or other people?" Justin said laughing. "I kinda think the best friend thing is a bit much too because Darren's the only one we're both close with" I replied. "Yeah but when you make your own friends aside from char you can do that to your own car considering you had to sell yours" Justin replied. "Yeah I guess but I'll miss that car, do you think you and Ty can go with me to pick out my new one?" I asked. "I will see if Ty has time if not I'll ask oli he's a good friend and driver so he'll give you his honest opinion on weather the car suits you" Justin replied starting the car. "Yeah I can't wait to get a new one now" I replied. We arrived to the gym and he gave me some pointers to help me. I started working out and he was spotting me. Then there was this guy that walked up to us with his girlfriend. "Yo are you guys dating?" The boyfriend asked. Justin looked at me and I replied for him. "Yes we are, is there something we can help you with?" I replied. "My wife needs a spotter, I'm jake her names Elle" jake said shaking our hands I finished my set and went to help her. I was spotting her for about 5 ish minutes while Justin worked out. Before I could say or do anything else there he was. The guy that called her his wife grabbing me. I started squirming around making as much noise as I could and finally Justin noticed. He ran. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING WITH HER" Justin said as he punched him in the back of the head. He finally let go and passed out on the ground. "Oh thank you so much you just saved both of our lives!! My name is Zoey, here is my instagram handle I'm getting out of here. If the cops need any information from me shoot me a text!" Zoey said running out to her car. "Holy shit Justin I can't believe you just did that. Grab his wallet!!" I said quietly. He reached into the mans wallet. Luckily he found it and it had his correct Driver's license in it. "His names not jake either.. his name is Trenton. Now the cops were already called by someone else so they'll be here any minute" Justin replied. "Everything has just gone wrong today. I just wanted to enjoy it but now we have to leave right after we're done talking to them to make it back home on time for you to film" I replied. "Listen it's fine nova don't worry we can stay longer I really don't care, and if Ty knew why he'd tell us to leave this gym and go to another but this one is the one closest with the most equipment" Justin replied. "So after today we just go to a different gym till we find one we like" I replied. "That sounds like a good idea but we are gonna be moving again" Justin replied.
"So you're saying by the time we go to the gym again we'll be in a new house anyways? I'm getting tired of moving lol. I might have to get my own place soon!!" I replied. "I kinda am too but I love what I do so I'm not ready to move on just yet and I'm sure you understand that" Justin replied. "I do understand, if I get my own place your always welcome and so is everyone else in that house but only you and Darren get the spare keys!" I replied. "Should act on it more than talking about it!" Justin replied as the cops showed up questioning us.

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